Chapter One-Detention

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The trees blew in the wind with their red and yellow leaves falling slowly onto the soft grass.
"Miss! Addison is looking at me weirdly!" Blair called out and flipped her long blonde platinum hair as she turned round to look at me. My heart fluttered as I watch her eyes pierce into mine.

"I w-wasn't! I was looking out the window," I replied timidly trying to not let the blush show on my cheeks because my crush is looking at me. My crush actually acknowledged my existence. No one knows that I like Blair nor will they ever, Blair has a boyfriend and is the most popular girl in the school because of her looks and because she's main cheerleader. Miss looked at me and adjusted her glasses "I don't care if you were looking at her or out the window you should be paying attention to the lesson!" Miss snapped. I looked down at my notes not wanting to be shouted at anymore.

The lesson went painfully slow but eventually, it ended with the loud ring of the bell. I collected up my books ready for the end of the day to come but I still had lunch and then my last lesson to go.

"Miss Grey?" The teacher asked as I turned to walk out the door, I stopped in my tracks looking back at the teacher.

"Yes, Miss?" I asked warily walking up to her.

"Your homework?" she asked. Great. The one day I forget my homework.

"I-I don't have it," I stuttered looking down at my shoes.

"You know what that means," Miss said curtly and got a slip from her desk and scribbled down some writing. A detention slip. My first detention slip. Could this day get any worse?

I took the slip and looked at it, looks like I'm not going home straight away like planned. Slowly I walked to lunch not taking much notice to my surroundings, all I was focused on in a daze was the slip in my hand.

Suddenly I walked into an open locker and felt around in the air for something to help me up. A soft hand with perfectly manicured nails helped me up, so perfect that it had to be Blair. It's amazing how everyday I find a new way to embarrass myself.

"Just because I helped you this one time won't mean I will again," Blair hissed her green eyes with brown flecks piercing into my dull blue eyes.

Blair looked down at the floor picking up the slip of paper I dropped so I quickly snatched it away from her.

"Detention, What could you have done?" She asked slightly confused with more of a cackle than a chuckle.

"Homework," I replied sheepishly shifting foot to foot whilst biting my bottom lip from nerves.

"You look like you need to pee." She stated then walked away laughing presumably at me.


I walked into the canteen looking around for a table with my two best friends on.

Once I had spotted them I walked over to them like normal they were the classic boy-crazed teenagers so they were obviously talking about boys.

"Hey Addison who do you think is the best looking boy in the school?" Tess asked. I shrugged in response placing my tray on the table.

Tess has big brown eyes and golden tanned skin with tight brown curly hair.

"Well who do you have a crush on then?" April asked curiously like she already knew I had a crush on Blair or at least suspected it.

April has dirty blonde hair which is usually up into a tight ponytail.

"No one," I lied not wanting to come out to them just yet.

"I got detention," I said trying to act casual and composed about it whilst picking at the horrible school meals with my knife and fork.

"You! Detention! I'm shocked!" Tess gasped sarcastically doing an over reaction like she was auditioning for a role in drama class.


This is it. My first ever detention, my hands are shaking as I opened the door. I went over to the desk and placed my slip in front of Mr. John he glanced up and pointed to the seats. The seat I chose was next to the window at the back so I sat there with my headphone's in hearing the music blasting in my ears whilst looking out the window at the sky that looked grey as if it was going to rain. A girl came through the door but I didn't pay any attention to who it was until she sat down next to me.

"You know Sir wouldn't be very impressed if he saw you with those in."

I looked over to my right at the girl sitting next to me and had to do a double take to make sure it was definitely Blair. Quickly I took out my headphone's and tried to focus on doing my homework making sure not to glance at Blair to much but when I did I already saw she was looing at me first.

"How have you got detention? I've been in nearly all you lessons today," I said looking back at her griping onto my pen tightly.

"Nearly," She replied with a smug smile resting her chin in her hand and not doing any homework instead doodling in a notebook in front of her.

"Anyway why are you sitting next to me?" I asked surprisingly coolly even though I could feel butterflies in my stomach form by just talking to her.

"You're in my normal seat so I sat here," She said with an actual smile that didn't seem menacing or mean it actually seemed kind of...sweet.

We made a bit of slightly awkward small talk during detention then I left quickly out the door when it was over.


Answering my question from earlier; Yes this day can get worse, a lot worse actually.

Once I had stepped outside I was greeted by rain pouring down from the sky and heard the roaring/rumbling sounds that sound like thunder. When I looked up I saw clouds looming over me and was pretty sure there was going to be a heavy storm.

"Do you need a ride?" Blair shouted over the thunder suddenly behind me like in the Twilight films when Edward does that to Bella in the woods.

I looked around thinking if there was any other possible way to get home without her help, but there was no luck.

"Sure, but um who's driving you home?" I asked timidly biting my lip.

"Relax it's just my older sister," She said and put her hand on my shoulder trying to be reassuring, her hand instantly spread shivers down my spine and I felt a wave of excitement wash over me with a mix of butterflies.

What I presume is her sister pulled up in front of us and shouted "Get in!"

Blair got into the back with me which I wasn't expecting.

"Hi, so where do you live?" Blair's sister asked hurriedly while starting up her car, she had slightly darker blonde hair then Blair and was wearing lot's of eye makeup .

"That's my sister Jessie," Blair said.

I told her where I live and some of the directions if she was unsure although it was hard to catch what she was saying over the very loud music which I knew was my favorite band 'The Pretty Reckless.'

She dropped me of home and I couldn't help but be slightly happy about getting detention.


Hi, so this is my first part of my story. Thank you so much if you have read/enjoyed this part.


My crush on the Cheerleader (gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें