Chapter fourteen-Strike?

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It's now Friday and April has not spoken to me all week. I understand why she didn't want to be friends but I still hope that this friendship could work. Tess has been hanging out with both of us which must be hard to make sure her friendship stays because she's in the middle. On a more positive note, I have a date with Blair tomorrow which I'm really looking forward to. After school, I'm going to go shopping for a new outfit because I couldn't get to sleep last night form how worried I was on what to wear. I accidentally mentioned to Tess that I'm going shopping after school so now she is insistent on coming along.

That's how I'm nowhere in the changing room hearing Tess scream over clothes she likes and ones she wants me to try on.

"So, why are you looking for a new outfit?" She said and gave me a knowing look.

"Is it a date?" Tess asked wanting answers.

It is obviously true by just my cheeks rising in crimson red colour.

"Aww, I can't believe it! Who is she?" Tess questioned excitedly.

"Yes I am and no I'm not telling you who it is," I retorted rolling my eyes playfully.

"Whyyyyy," she groaned like she's a little kid having a tantrum.

When I didn't reply we carried on trying on clothes until I found the perfect outfit.


It's now Saturday and my first ever date with Blair! I took a long relaxing bath and now have my hair drying in granny-like curlers. At the moment I'm painting my nails this beautiful iridescent silvery pink colour that goes well with the top I will wear.

Marcus came marching into my room.

"Kyle is Pan."

"What?" I asked not quite hearing.

"Kyle aka Blair's boyfriend is Pansexual," he said again a big grin covering his face.

"Wait how do you know?" I asked a perplexed expression on my face.

"I casually slipped into the conversation that I'm bi and he replied saying that he is pan," Marcus said still smiling.

"Okay cool. What does this mean with him and Blair?" I questioned blowing impatiently on my nails that aren't yet dry.

"I don't know yet but I hope he likes me," Marcus said crossing his fingers. "Anyway, why do you look... decent?"

"I have a date," I replied smugly.

"With Blair?" he said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Maybe, maybe not," I teased like a little kid.

"Okay. Well have fun," he said turning and going to the door.

"You only want Blair and I to have fun so you can date Kyle!" I shouted as he shut the door.


I put on my sparkly top and skinny black jeans. To finish off the outfit I paired it with some ankle boots with a heel. Before I undo my hair I put on some natural-looking makeup but so it's little cuter I added cat-eye eyeliner. My hair now released out of its curls frames my face perfectly creating my brown hair look a caramel colour in the light.


Blair texted me when she was outside because I didn't want to explain to my parents that I'm gay and kind of dating this really cool popular girl but she has a 'supposedly straight boyfriend' that is actually pan.

Before my parents could question my chosen outfit I rushed out the door. Blair looked stunning in her red ruffled top and black skinny jeans, to pull it all together she has a faux-leather black jacket and some DM boots.

My crush on the Cheerleader (gxg)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ