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“Mother!” She gasped, throwing her hand over her mouth.

“Sydney, please help me.” Adeline’s voice trembled with emotion.

“I will, mother.” She swore. “I will get into the car right now and I will come to you.” She got out and closed the door of Kathleen’s Porsche.

“What car?” Adeline asked.

“Mary’s car, I… I mean Jenny’s car. She kidnapped you, right? I am coming to get you.” She explained, while heading towards the gate.

“No, no, no.” Adeline said. “I am not with Jenny. I… I escaped from the hospital.  Please come and get me. I do not know where I am, but I just passed a placed called Dominos. It is dark around here and I am afraid. Please hurry. I do not have much time.” The call ended.

Sydney stopped in her tracks. Did she just hear right? Mary does not have her mother? But she called and said… That was when she realized it. Mary tricked her!

Sydney’s hands folded into fists, as she felt deceived. Oh how she would have knocked that devil’s face in if she were to be in front of her right now. Mary was a cunning person. She heard about Adeline’s escape and used the fact that she was missing, to want to trick her. How dare her!

Sighing, relief suddenly swept over Sydney, before a smile formed on her lips. Her mother was not with Mary. It was a good thing Adeline called in time to stop her from doing what she would have later on regretted bitterly.

Turning on her heels, she went back to Kathleen’s car. She got behind the wheel and thankfully, the keys were in the ignition. Without hesitating, she shut the door, buckled up and then turned the key. The engine roared to life and she took three deep breaths to settle her nerves.

“I can do this.” She told herself and then put the car in reverse. After drawing out of the parking space, she drove out of the gate in full speed, swooshing past Mary’s car. She stepped hard on the gas pedal and gripped the steering wheel. The wind blew her hair and hit her face, but she focused on the road before her and the task at hand. And that was, getting to her mother before anyone else did.    

“Mother, I am coming.” She mumbled and drove into the night.

Sydney was on the road for an hour. When she finally, got to Dominos, which was a few miles out of the city, she was breathless. Turning off the engine, she stepped out of the car and glanced around the place. There was only a motorbike standing outside the small grocery store and a telephone booth. Mother might have made the call from there. She thought while heading to the entrance.

She entered the store and after looking around, asked the old man behind the counter if he saw a woman. The man confirmed seeing one crazy looking woman walking along the streets. After he showed her the direction that woman went, she thanked him and left.

Sydney drove along the road for fifteen more minutes, before spotting a figure in the headlights. She knew, right away, who it was. Pulling up a few meters away from her, she stepped out of the car and rushed to her.


When Adeline spun around, Sydney did not hesitate to pull her into a tight embrace. At that moment she was excited to see her mother, thrilled to have her arms around her and thankful that nothing bad has happened to her. At that moment, tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks, as she knew her mother was safe.

However, that moment soon shattered when she remembered about Hansen. Quickly and harshly, she pushed her mother away from her, a frown creasing her forehead.  

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