Earthquakes (sample)

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AN//: Hey guys this is a sample of the first 4 parts of my book 'Earthquakes' if you enjoy this check it out!!

The earth began to shake violently, waking him from his slumber. He bolted upright, running down the grand staircase into the main entry room. His cloak swiftly followed, positioning itself comfortably on his shoulders. The earthquake seemed to end as quickly as it began, for by the time he reached the door there was nothing. The streets outside were perfectly fine, people walking around as if nothing had happened. A man walked past 177A Bleecker street with his dog, sparing not even a second glance at the disheveled man in the doorway. He shut the door, calling out for Wong. There must be an explanation for an earthquake only he could feel. 

Almost three hours later they were still flicking through the same book.

"There could be a range of reasons for it," Wong stated, his eyes glued to the ancient book, "either someone nearby has used very strong, dark magic specifically tuned to your body frequency as the sorcerer supreme, which is rare but not unheard of, or someone has used very strong dark magic on you"

"Well who would want to use magic against me?"

"Wait there is one other explanation." Wong flicked to a new page on the book, "something very bad has happened to you in an alternate universe."

"An alternate universe? Really Wong?" He shook his head. 

Doctor Strange had to believe a lot of things with this job, but the concept of alternate universes was a stretch. He had no proof, no reason to believe in the existence of something so theoretical. Therefore someone had it out for him, someone very powerful wanted him dead. It wouldn't be the first time.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, drawing him away from the mental list of possible enemies he was creating. He pulled open the heavy double doors for the second time that morning, to be met with a badge in his face: CIA: Agent Everett Ross. He opened the door wider, allowing the grey haired agent inside. 

"Are you Stephen Strange?" 

"It's doctor." Honestly he didn't get his PHD to be referred to by his first name. 

"Right." Said agent Ross, his voice stretching out the 'I'. 

The agent glanced around the Sanctum Sanctorum, raising an eyebrow at the obviously un-New York style decoration. 

"This is going to sound bizarre," Ross finally spoke up, "but T'Challa said that you could help so here I am."

"What do you need agent?"

There was something about the man that seemed so incredibly familiar to the sorcerer. Even though they had never met before, and he had never seen the other mans face, he felt like he recognized him. He felt as if he knew him, personally, as if they had been... friends? Lovers? In a past life. Was it possible that their souls were entwined, that whatever was happening to an alternative him was happening to an alternative agent Ross?

It wasn't until agent Ross spoke the next line that Dr Strange allowed himself to believe that maybe there could such a thing as alternative universes. 

"What can you tell me about earthquakes only one person can feel?"




Sherlock ran towards the sound of his boyfriends voice, although it was much less a run than an akward limp. His knees began to buckle, his body weight becoming too much for his Injured leg. He fell down, his hands scraping along a piece of smashed concrete. He crawled the remaining distance to John. He was trapped under a piece of debris, his breathing was sharp and shallow, the concrete was digging into his lungs, or windpipe, Sherlock wasn't sure. Sherlock attempted to lift the heavy concrete off of John's chest, but it was no use.

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