Panchali's Svayamvar

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Amrit's POV

One day, I and Panchali were in her room playing the game of dice.

It is so similar to ludo.

"Hmm I am getting better in this" she exclaimed.

"Well let's see" I said as I threw the dices and got two sixes.

Suddenly King Drupad and Kanha entered her room.

"Putri it's about time" he said a bit nervously.

"About what time, Pitaji?" She asked confusedly.

"We all know that Arjun is dead but still you are of marriage- able age and so..." He told her.

"And so? You want me to marry anyone?" She exclaimed in rage.

"I was born from fire to be married to the best archer in the world that is Prince Arjun. I can't marry anyone else" she added.

All this time, Kanha had a smile.

"Who said you will marry anyone? You will marry the person who is capable of having you and who deserves you" Kanha said to calm her.

"And for that we will arrange an unique svayamvar for you" He added after a pause.

In two days time, everything was ready, all the invitations were sent, all the arrangements were done.

It was the day of the grand svayamvar.

I was in Panchali's room helping her to get ready.

"Done" I said as I set her head piece.

"You look beautiful, princess!" A maid exclaimed.

"Thanks" she replied.

"Why are you dressed like this Amrit?" She asked as she noticed me dressed as a common girl in a plain lehenga.

"Actually I want to experience your svayamvar as a normal, common person." I replied.

"But..." she started to argue.

"No buts. We are getting late" I cut her off.

Narrator's POV

Soon the Svayamvar started. All the invited princes were there. Amrit was among the common people which included suts mostly. Beside them were the Brahmins among which Pandavas were there in disguise.

Amrit's POV

Dhrishtadyumna explained the rules. There was a revolving fish attached to a pole. The condition was that the person who ties the string in the bow and  shoots the fish just by looking at it's image in the pond gets to marry Draupadi.

Sudama had came too. He wanted to see the svayamvar and so Karn brought him and then told me to keep a look on him.

I looked at the Brahmins and saw something strange.

These five looks like Pandavas. I mean this man, he is like Arjun and he has the passion in his eyes.

Arjun's POV

Here we are at Princess Draupadi's svayamvar.

Bhrata said that we would get sufficient alms here as Brahmins. There are many princes and kings here, From Jarasandh, Duryodhan till Vasudev. Even, Karn is here as well.

I have heard the rumours that Drupad wanted a daughter to marry me but I don't know how much of it is true.

And yes, I can win this but only if Brahmins are allowed to. But, if Karn is skilled enough to compete with me then he can win this as well.

My eyes suddenly fell on the common people beside us.

Is that Amrit? But what is she doing here? And that too among the suts. Isn't she somewhat a princess if she is Vasudev's sister.

Soon the competition started, many of them tried and failed. Then came Karn. He had the same confidence which he had when he challenged me.

His confidence rages my anger. How I wish we could just finish our combat!

He was about to shoot when...
"Wait!" shouted Draupadi

Everyone turned to her. She looked a bit nervous.

"Angraj can't participate." She said firmly "I won't marry a sutputra"

Karn's expression turned into shock and sadness.

I felt a smile growing on my face but when I turned to Amrit, her eyes felt hurt, a few tears came out of her eyes.

Why is she crying for this Suta's dishonor? Is she somehow related to him? No that's not possible.

Amrit's POV

I felt tears coming out from eyes as I saw the hurtful expression on Karn's face.

He was insulted in front of everyone. He was again not allowed to use his abilities just because he was a sut.

I knew that this was coming but..

But it hurts too much when experienced in reality.

My head turns towards the man whom I am sure is Arjun.

He is smiling. HE IS SMILING!!!

His anger for Karn, his hatred fod Karn has increased so much that now he can't feel the sad feeling when his sibling is hurt. I mean, I know that he doesn't know the truth but still siblings can feel each others pain when not even told.

Karn went back to his seat like a defeated warrior. He could have argued but he decided not to spoil Panchali's Svamyamvar.

After all the royals failed, King Drupad pleaded the Brahmins to come and try. Arjun got up and shooted the arrow without any difficulty.

I  could see a smile on Kanha's face and a shock of realization on Karn's face.

Draupadi was declared to be his wife. They garlanded each other.

But suddenly the Kshatriyas started shouting and revolting as they felt it was their insult.

Soon there was a huge chaos, people fighting, running, Bheem plucked a huge tree to defend Arjun and Panchali.

Arjun and Karn engaged in a combat when Arjun broke the string of Karn's bow.

Suddenly I heard a shout, Sudama was badly hurt. He was severely bleeding. I ran to him.

"Karn! Sudama is bleeding really badly. He need to take him to the doctors." I shouted.

Karn ran towards us while Panchali, Arjun and Bheem turned to us for a second before going.

We took Sudama to a doctor but before he could even check him, Sudama took his last breath.

I could see Karn totally broken, he had no expression on his face.

"I am sorry Karn, I couldn't take care of him" I said as tears flow from my eyes.

"It's my fault Amrit" He said as he hugged me "I am a really bad father"

I could feel him crying but he was comtrolling himself.

Duryodhan came there to comfort Karn. I stood at a corner, whild the friend tried to comfort his friend.

To Be Continued

Author's Note

This part of mine contained a lot of emotions. I am sorry if I couldn't express them nicely.

This is my first big story, and I am too nervous.

Instagram - _the_crying_soul

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