Chapter 4:

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"My, my. To think such a small and cute thing like you could be so..... viscous!" One of them commented before leaning forward. I bared my teeth at them, though it only made them laugh.

"He's.... different. He has something about him that makes others so.... attached. Even he won't let him go." The other said with a thoughtful look.

The other stared at him is surprise. "Really?! He's not even willing to let this one go? This one must be worth a lot!"

The other nodded. "He'll probably be stuck here forever."

I hated that. I hated them. Why did they have to pretend I couldn't hear them? All these aching thoughts littered my head as I thought back.

My eyes shot over to the door. In came two of my captors, both smiling like idiots.

"Guess what?" Roy asked, before kneeling on the floor, next to me. I rolled my eyes at him. "You're gonna let me go?"

"No, better! We're going to have breakfast!"

I sighed before shaking my head. "Not hungry." Roy stared at me in shock. "But.... you're so thin! You have to eat!"

I shook my head again. "I'm fine." I insisted. But before I knew it, my hand was grabbed. I tried pulling back, but then Chase decided to assist Roy. As I was being pulled, I thought of the unbearable awkwardness sitting at the table would bring.

After I ran away, I left behind some people that I actually cared for, and I knew they weren't going to take it very well.

We entered the dining room, and I immediately regretted not putting up a bigger fight.

Luke was there....

Now Luke was one of the few that didn't really... touch me. Sure, he acted dominant, but he treated my more like a friend then a whore.

And I liked him for that.

But he didn't look to excited to see me. He was more keen on sending me dirty looks.

I gulped to myself as I made eye contact with him. Cain. Since yesterday, I've been dreading his face after that little.... fight?

I took a seat and crossed my arms. There was a lot of people here I didn't like. Roy, Chase, and Rick all sent me familiar smiles. But that only angered me. I really hated this.

The food was set in front of everyone, and I cringed. I wasn't in the mood.... for food. Hehe.

"Why're you smiling?" Luke asked, begrudgingly. I looked up and glared. He knew doing this would bring everyone's attention to me.

And I hated that.

"Uhh, nothing." I lied before grabbing the fork. The best I could do was pretend to eat. They wouldn't let up otherwise.

I stabbed the egg and brought it up to my lips before "accidentally" dropping it. "Oh my." I gasped.

I gave them an awkward smile before grabbing the next thing. I had to change it up....

I took a quick look around me. Everyone was either eating silently, or chatting. I looked to my left.

Roy was chatting. Perfect. I slipped the waffle onto his plate, and succeeded. He had no idea of the random waffle on his plate.

I looked at the last item on my plate. A sausage. This would be easy. When no one was looking, I chucked it.

I don't know where it ended up, but no one saw it. I grabbed the cup next to my plate and began drinking.

"Well, I'm full. I'm gonna go back now." I said, a smirk on my lips. I ignored the stupid chain and walked back, happy I completed.

Even if Luke saw it all.

My stomach remained queasy, and I was glad I didn't eat. That would only make things worse.

It happened after I was taken. Everything I ate made me want to throw up, so I gradually ate less and less.

Now I barely ate. And it was taking a big toll on my body. I could see that I was becoming thinner, but I always belittled the effects.

I walked back into the room that I stayed in once before and jumped on the bed. The bed was the only think I liked here.

I snuggled into my blankets before closing my eyes. I stayed like that for a moment before opening them up once again.

But once I opened them again, I got the biggest surprise of my life. I screeched when I saw Chase's face near mine.

"W-what're you doing?" I asked, putting a hand over my heart. Chase smile. "I had nothing better to do, so I came to see you!" He said with a large smile as he joined me on the bed. I rolled my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me. He was always the cuddlier.

"I can't believe you're in my arms...." He whispered before pulling me tighter. I sighed, a little uncomfortable.

"You know, once you ran away, everyone became really gloomy. Like you were the only source of happiness." He chatted away. But it only made me feel worse.

"Especially Cain."

Ugh. Cain. He was always the most dominant and overbearing. Only towards me. And I hated that.

The others acted the same, but he barely let me leave his side, which only added fuel to the fire.

Chase ran a hand through my hair, and I remembered the feeling. From way back.

Even before I came here.

I closed my eyes tightly as I snuggled into Chance, feeling sad at the memory.

"Hmm.... so you still cry whenever you remember them..." Chase commented as he held me closer.

"It's okay." He whispered soothingly. Listening to his heartbeat only made me want to sleep, even though I had just woken up.

"I-I don't want to remember them...." I whispered pathetically. Chase rubbed my back. "It's okay."

Was it? Was it really?

I don't even know anymore.

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