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Back at the hospital, he went to her room and stayed there, laying  by her side, stroking her hair. So much had happened, and he felt so overwhelmed. At the end he was just grateful that she was there, breathing. He knew that if he had lost this one heartbeat, no one could've brought it back to him, not even at the cost of his own life. He started humming a song, gazing down at her as his fingers traced her soft skin. [ Song: Taehyung's part in 4 o'clock and okbutjustimaginewakinguptoTaehyungsingingthatforyousweetlord ]

"Mmmmh" she mumbled.

"Y/n?" He almost jumped up when he heard her voice.

"So de main difference is beyween d centor of da ring haemoglobin has iron while chlorophyll has..."

"You're awake!"

"Huh?"she opened her eyes and blinked confusedly when she saw him. Then she shut them tightly, pulling her hands in tight fists just below her chin.

"Hey..." he chuckled, looking at her with all the love in the world.

"I can't hear you I'm unconscious" she replied in a curt tone.

"You just talked!" He rolled his eyes.

"No I didn't."

"Alright, I'm staying anyway" he pulled her into him so his arms encircled her completely.

"Go away"

"Are you still mad at me?

"I don't know you, leave"

"I'm staying"he said lying beside her and holding her tightly in a hug.

"I hate you"

"Too bad, 'cause I love you" he nuzzled her neck.

"Your hands are on my titties!"she elbowed him in the stomach.

"What if I want them there?"

"Go home perv!"

"You are my home, baby"

"So I told Namjoon to...." Jin and Jimin came in without knocking the door and looked at both of them with as much shock on their faces as the other two had on theirs.

"Y/n!" Both of them squealed with excitement and Jin was the first one to walk towards her and hug her, never minding the stack of boxes he was holding. Jimin tried to hold out his hands too. But her response wasn't the same. She flinched a bit as she saw him getting near.

"Y/n..." his voice was shaky.

"She doesn't want to be around you" Taehyung told him.

"But... but..."

"I know why she doesn't want to be around him" Jin placed his hands on his hips after he had put down the boxes filled with food.

"Hyung no!" Taehung protested.

"Listen here y/n, you may think here our Jiminie is a jerk for trying to seduce you.."


"But your man over there isn't that much of an angel himself either. He did the same to Jiminie's girlfriend back when they were teenagers. That's when this poor little mochi swore he would..., what exactly did you swear again?"

"Take away every girl he likes. That was our deal. I would forgive him but still take away every girl he falls for"

"She didn't love you she was just around you because you were popular" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"But I did love her! You had no right to sleep with her!" Jimin's voice was raspy and hoarse.

"You did what?" y/n turned towards Taehyung and gave him a glare.

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