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After kissing Emmett for another 20 minutes, my uncle came downstairs and unknowingly broke us apart. Let me just say, kissing Emmett is something else entirely. It was like neither of us could get enough of one another. Our lips fit perfectly against each other, his hands were meant to touch me and mine, him.

After my uncle left, I thought we would have kissed some more, but instead Emmett put a movie on and wrapped me up in his arms so we could cuddle. I was hesitant at first, but I allowed him to show that type of affection towards me. I didn't understand it all, but my feelings for Emmett were strong. It made it hard to think logically.

We spent most of the night watching movies and talking casually as if we were still the friends we were before the kiss happened. Conversation never strained when I was with Emmett, he just kept things going smoothly.

Our night was cut short when Jonas stumbled in drunk. Emmett had helped me get Jonas upstairs and into a pair of new clothes before putting him in bed. After I made sure Jonas wasn't going to hurl, I walked Emmett to the door. After Emmett promising to pick me up at 8am the next morning and me trying to fight him on it so I could get a bit more sleep, Emmett left to return home and I was left thinking of the two kisses we had shared.

I went to bed that night and dreamed happily of Emmett's lips on mine. When I woke up the next morning, I saw that it was 7:47. Emmett had texted me and I awoke to the sound of my phone going off. I grabbed my phone and flipped it open, squinting to read the text through the blurriness of sleep.

Emmett: I'm on my way to you, Angel Eyes. Hope you're awake.

I frowned as I blinked quickly, trying to register what the text had said. Then my eyes widened in shock. Shit I wasn't even ready!! I hopped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I quickly did my morning routine then I raced back towards my room and threw on a pair of jean and an old Nirvana band shirt. I put my hoodie on and slipped my feet into my old Converses.

I grabbed my phone and when I looked at the time on my clock I saw it was 7:58. Wow, that was a record. I raced out of my room and downstairs. I saw that my uncle was already awake. He was sitting in his chair in the living with a cup of coffee and a paper in his hands.

"Morning, Uncle Arthur," I said as I slipped past the living room to the the coat closet to grab my jacket.

"Morning, Ezra. Early start today? You're normally never up this early on a Saturday," Arthur set his paper down in his lap and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Emmett's taking me over to his place today. He wanted me to meet his family," I said as I shrugged casually, slipping my jacket on.

"Emmett, huh?" Arthur questioned and I nodded my head simply. Arthur frowned slightly, rubbing his chin, "Ezra, sit down with me for a moment, please."

I frowned slightly as my uncle never looked so concern before. I knew Emmett would be here any minute, but I also knew my uncle needed to talk. I quickly took a seat on the couch and looked at my uncle.

"What's up, Arthur?" I asked, raising a single eyebrow.

"Now don't get me wrong, Emmett is an excellent young man. He is a gentleman and very responsible, but you've known him for only a few short weeks," Arthur said.


"I just want to make sure you're being smart. You know what happened the last time you started a relationship with a boy from around here."

"Emmett isn't from around here, Uncle. And he is nothing like Jared. He actually seems to care about me. Plus who said I was starting a relationship? I'm just going with the flow right now."

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