Chapter 4: he was a lost man

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will be edited soon for: grammar, consistency of the story, respresenting MC character better


AGE 19

"Chloe Rivas, you're really un-be-lievable!"

I vaguely heard Tom's voice. I didn't want to wake up yet! I didn't have a lot of sleep last night, so I really wanted to sleep all day. But a mission and hormones on legs ruined it.

"Shut up Tom! I heard you the first 4 times! "

I let myself fall out of my bed , still tangled in my blankets, I took a deep breath. Okay.. another mission today. Mr. Black suddenly came to us with a short mission. A killer escaped from prison. He was a terrible person. Raped a woman, then killed her. In my opinion the worst people. He went to prison for 15 years. So, he's 45 now. But that stupid and dumb as fuck person did some stupid things again. He stalked several women in his neighbourhood. Looked through the window. Watched them. Creep.

He didn't learn a thing from being in prison. He still was the same creepy man doing the same creepy things. I really wanted to put a bullet in his head. First tell him what kind of terrible person he is and bang! Shoot him.

"Is it weird that I look forward to this one?"

I walked to the kitchen and quickly grabbed an apple.

"No way. Men may never touch a woman if she doesn't want him to."

David found that to be the most important rule. He's one of the guys who actually understands that important rule.

"Maybe I should be scared a 19 year old girl looks forward to killing a grown-up man." Tom narrowed his eyes at me as if he was suspicious of me.

"Ha-ha funny don't make me laugh. You're fucking 18 and already here as long as I am. So, who's the one to be scared of?"

"Yeah I know. I'm the best"

Oh right. Non-intended compliment, if you can call being 'scared of' a compliment.

"Are you sure you're not in high school? You sure look and talk like one of those jocks." I grinned, the one thing that gets on Tom's nerve is to compare him to his peers.

"Hell no. They're fucking idiots."

"You're an idiot, idiot"

"Love you too, Chloe"

"I'm not going to say it back today. Your ego has been fed enough this day."

"Ah Chloe. You're a mean girl"

"Ah thank you Tommie"

This is what I meant with fooling around. Tom and I could never be serious with each other. Only when we really had to be to survive. Like when we were on a mission. All three of us usually went in the deadly serious mote as soon as the mission starts, at least if it was a difficult one. But it was crucial you did.

"Now shut up, eat, get the stuff and go!" David said, rolling his eyes at our childish behaviour.


"This is the most boring city ever. Why is that man living there anyway?" Tom whined, staring at the dull looking buildings we passed.

"Because he's a creep who likes to look at women and I think in a city with flats like this it's easier. Think, Tom. think"

"Chloe you aren't that smart so stop acting."

"Who's acting?"

We drove in our car to the house of the creep. Mr M.R Walters. Innocent name. Absolutely not an innocent man. The city he lived in was rated for its low crime rate. Apparently, they didn't know a rapist and a killer was living in their 'peaceful' city.

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