Ch. 10 My heart belongs to Adrien

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Marinette woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. She hadn't slept that well in ages! She stretched her arms and got out of bed. When she looked over at cat, she found he was sound asleep. Marinette smiled. It seemed he had been tired too.

She got up out of bed and quietly went to school. When she got to school though, she couldn't concentrate. To much had been going on in her head. She looked in front of her and saw Adrien's empty seat. She frowned and sighed. She's been so focused on saving cat noir, she's barely thought about Adrien recently. She hoped he was okay.

After school she went home and saw that cat was up and waiting for her.

"Hey kitty cat,"  she said and stroked him.

He purred and leaned his head into her hand. While petting him she was lost in thought thinking about the Miraculouses. She needed to finish the dream. She stopped petting the cat and got up, leaving a confused Cat.

"Sorry Cat, there's somewhere I have to go," she said

Marinette made her way to Master Fu's place. When she got there she knocked on the door and was greeted by Master fu.

"Ah marinette, your back! I wasn't expecting you back so soon," he said

"Master fu, in order to complete the dream, I need no interruptions what so ever, and I can't do that at home. I'm going to put on both miraculouses again, but this time, please don't take them off," Marinette said.

Master fu looked at her for a moment and then smiled.

"Alright, if you think this may help us find a solution, I will trust you Ladybug," he said

Marinette got in a comfortable position and then took the ring off the necklace. She stared at it for a minute, took a deep breathe and then put it on her finger. Just like last time, the world started to spin and she sunk into darkness.

Once she woke up, she realized she was in the cat noir world. She decided that it would be best if she went to ladybug's world as that was where the battle occurred last time.

"Tikki spots on!" A white flash occurred and when Marinette's eyes adjusted she found herself in the ladybug world. After looking around a bit she saw the red ladybug figure. Just then she saw the green cat noir figure show up, as well as the green cracks. On cue, she felt the same pain in her stomach as last time, but this time, she knew she had to persevere and see how this battle ended. They continued to battle just as they did last time and in her dream, until Ladybug had once again pinned cat noir. At this moment, marinette felt another sharp pain. It was almost unbearable, but she kept her eyes focused on ladybug and cat noir. Ladybug leaned into cat noir and kissed him. The world flashed white and blinded marinette. When she opens her eyes again, the pain was gone. The world around had turned white and instead of a red ladybug and green cat noir there was a pink figure, which she guessed represented marinette and a blue figure, which must've represented cat noirs civilian form. They had detransformed! All of a sudden, marinette felt dizzy and collapsed again, and then her world once again faded to black.

Marinette woke up back in Master Fu's room. Master fu was sitting next to her.

"You've woken up. How did it go?" He asked

Marinette then explained what happened in the dream. Master Fu listened silently, deep in thought.

"I believe that your dream may hold the key to helping cat noir," master fu said

"What do you mean master? She asked

"In your dream you said ladybug kissed Cat noir and then they both detransformed. Perhaps a kiss is what could help fix this situations. After all the ladybug and cat noir miraculous are of equal power. One I. Destruction, the other in creation. It may just work." Master fu said

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