3. sick day

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It was that awful time of the year again... flu season. You were sound asleep one Saturday morning when you got a phone call from your crush and best friend, C/N.

"Hello?" You answered while rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"Y/N? Can you come over?" He asked, voice raspy like he had just woken up.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" You asked as you pushed yourself out of bed and started getting ready.

"I'm sick. I feel awful, Y/N. My parents are already at work and I'm stuck here alone." He whined through the phone.

"Okay, okay. Let me get ready first and then I'll be over there. Okay, you big baby?" You told him, chuckling as you did so. The two of you said your goodbyes on the phone and you quickly got ready before heading to his house.

You pulled the spare key out from under the mat at his front door and stepped inside. You were not expecting the sight in front of you. You expected C/N to just be overreacting as he always did, but he was much sicker than you expected.

He was laid out on his couch with nothing but shorts on and a blanket. You could see his forehead glistening from sweat and his hair was sticking up in every direction. His cheeks were flushed and he looked completely exhausted.

"Are you okay?" You asked him as you quickly rushed over to him, sitting at the edge of the couch. You gently brought your hand up and ran it through his messy hair. "You're burning up C/N!" You exclaimed as you felt his forehead.

"Told you I was sick." He mumbled before letting out a sneeze.

"I'll be back." You said, before heading into the bathroom.

You grabbed a cold wash cloth and some medicine and headed back to him. He took the medicine you gave him, making a face the whole time just for your entertainment. You sat back down next to him and started to rub the cold cloth across his head and face, smiling as his eyes shut and a small smile came across his face.

"You want anything to eat?" You asked him as you continued to rub the cloth against his skin.

"Chicken noodle soup?" He asked, giving you his infamous puppy dog eyes.

"Of course."

After you made the soup for him, you helped him sit up on the couch and you fed it to him, much to his dismay. Once he was done, the two of you sat on the couch watching both yours and his favorite show. He leaned into you and put his head on your shoulder. You wrapped your arm around his shoulders and started playing with his hair.

Not longer after he ate his food and was leaning into you on the couch, you felt his whole body suddenly stiffen up. You thought maybe he was holding back a sneeze or something, but then he slowly got up off of the couch and quickly made his way into the bathroom.

You didn't think anything of it until you could hear him throwing up the soup that you made him. You rushed into the bathroom to see him leaned over the toilet, his face beat red.

"Awww my poor baby." You said to him sympathetically as you rubbed his back, his skin hot under your fingers. You hadn't realized what you had said until you seen him look up at you with a glint in his eyes.

"So I'm your baby now?" He asked with a smirk as you helped him up so he could brush his teeth.

"I didn't mean that....." You mumbled with complete embarrassment as he brushed his teeth, him just rolling his eyes at you, even though he couldn't get the grin off his face.

You both made your way back to the living room and you sat down at the end of the couch. He followed and laid down with his head in your lap. Your fingers played with his hair as you watched tv. He rolled over to face you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Thank you, Y/N." He said sincerely.

"You're welcome." You responded, smiling down at him.

"Can you... um... cuddle, with me?" He asked, stuttering through his question.

You just smiled at him before getting up and moving to lay down on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and sighed in content.

Confidence shot through you and you leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. His flushed cheeks went from pink to bright red and he couldn't hide the smile on his face. You buried your head in his neck and the two of you were asleep in no time.

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