Chapter 31: Purple Is A Challenge

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CHAPTER 31: Purple Is A Challenge

Val stepped forward and walked to the podium then turned to face me. "Didn't see that one coming, did ya?" she smirked. A million images went through my mind.

Val calling me Die, Val meeting me, Val becoming my friend, Val falling in love with Mick, Val telling a riddle.

It all had a double meaning.

She called me Die because I was supposed to die, meeting me, becoming my friend, just so she could understand me and make this all the more hurtful, Mick was just a piece to convince everyone. Even the riddles, who murdered the man in the circle house? The third maid. She was one of the few people able to easily get close to him. You know what else? She was the voice on the phone-call, it was incredible I hadn't seen it before.

Poetic really, she must've been laughing herself silly.

Everything she'd ever done was for this moment, to bring down my guard.

And you know what? The least I can do is show her what I've got. "We must be fraternal, I'm sure I'm not that ugly," I said.

"No, we're identical," Val said.

"You don't really look like me," Nobody else butted in, this was my fight and they all knew it.

"I dye my hair dark and," Val paused and lifted a hand to her face. She seemed to be pulling off one of those weird face masks but it was like a curtain had lifted revealing a mirror image of me. Val smirked with a superiority that hadn't been there before, "Magic for my actual face, and lastly my eyes." Val popped out her apparently colored contacts, revealing red irises.

"Demonic much?" I asked her. You may have realized, I'm not good at keeping my mouth shut. Val's eyes, so like my own in every aspect EXCEPT color, narrowed as she looked at me.

"Faye, you may not have realized this yet, but, by the end of the day, all the humans will be dead and you, you're gonna be locked away forever, I'm sure you've been alerted to what happens to you. Forever is a long time sis." Val suddenly smiled again. "Now for a story!"

"Ooooh! Demonic story teller is gonna tell us a story!! Is it My Twin Sister I Didn't Know I Had Is Evil?!" I fake gushed. Val rolled her eyes.

"Watch your mouth. Seventeen years ago, we were born at exactly the same time, no one was either older or younger," Val said.

"That must've hurt like hell for your mom," Tom said and I tried not to laugh. Val ignored him.

"Only one little difference between the two of us, our eye color. Anyway, the people who raised you claimed to only want one more child and put me up for adoption, thought you looked like you'd grow up to be sweeter. Then of course they had her and decided by then they wanted a child." Val spoke with pain in her voice and anger directed at Katrina despite it not being her fault.

I looked at Serquin, confused.

"Why me? If Val and I are twins and the only difference between us is personality and eye color, isn't she over half too? Why not go for the abandoned child?" I asked him, Val glared at me.

"Two differences," she said icily and I knew she was jealous, "they would've given you up and kept me but being an infant with so much magic they were drawn to you and my blood was overshadowed by yours. So I grew up in an orphanage. Alone. Until Serquin found me. He told me who and what I was and am, I found out my story. He asked me if I wanted revenge on you, the girl who took everyone from me." her eyes were cold and furious but she smiled anyways, " And I said yes."

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