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The guard blocked her path and explained, “Fourth miss, our prince has something he wants to say to you.”

This guard was Yang Hao. He had been hiding in Duke Ying’s residence for almost three months. He had long become familiar with this residence’s topography. He was strong and healthy and his martial art skills were outstanding. During these three months, no one had discovered him. Even Wei Luo didn’t know that her every movement was being monitored.

Wei Luo could only stop walking and turn around to look at Zhao Jie.

Her small face was prim and proper when she said, “What does big brother want to say to me? Why did you bring me here? If someone discovers that I’m missing, daddy will worry.”

Zhao Jie stood up and told her to come closer, “I heard that you grew your adult tooth, so I came here give you a congratulatory present.”

Wei Luo blinked and looked at him in puzzlement.

Today, there were two reasons for the banquet at Duke Ying’s residence. One reason was Duke Ying’s sixty birthday. The second reason was Wei Chang Mi’s one month old birthday. Neither of these reasons had anything to do with her. Why was he giving her a gift? “Grew her adult tooth” What a ridiculously offensive reason. Was he really not deliberately teasing her?

But no matter what his reason was, it was still a happy occasion to receive a gift. Wei Luo looked up. Her small face was surrounded by the white fur from the hood of her cloak.

Her beautiful face seemed as if it was carved out of white jade, “What gift?”

Zhao Jie thought she looked a little bit adorable and reached his hand out to scratch her nose, “What do you want?”

Wei Luo wanted to roll her eyes, but answered the question in a way that would attract people’s affection, “As long as it’s given by big brother Prince Jing, Ah Luo will like it.”

What a clever and quick-witted child! Zhao Jie couldn’t help laughing softly.

From his sleeve, he took out a bag embroidered with persimmon stems and handed it over to her, “For you.”

Wei Luo received it and pinched the bag with her fingers. There was something hard inside, but she couldn’t guess what was it was.

She curiously asked, “Can I open it to look?”

Zhao Jie nodded to express that she could.

She lowered her head and untied the red string. From inside the bag, she took out a circular reddish orange jade pendant that was completely transparent. It was bright and glimmering. One look showed that it was good jade. But why did he give her a jade pendant? Ah Luo tilted her head and swayed the item back and forth in the palm of her hand

“Big brother, what kind of jade pendant is this?”

Zhao Jie took the jade from her hand and had her stand in front of him. As he leaned over to help her wear it on her neck, he explained, “This is called hong yu. When you wear it in winter, it’ll heat up and keep you warm, so you won’t fall sick as easily.”

Wei Luo obediently stood there without moving. At first the jade pendant was cold as it hanged from her neck, but afterwards, it started to gradually become warmer. The mild heat was very comfortable. She looked at Zhao Jie with a pleasantly surprised expression.

Her round eyes curved as she smiled, “It really does heat up.”

When Zhao Jie leaned over to tie the jade pendant, he was very close to her. After he was done, he looked at her with clear full moon eyes.

Chongfei Manual pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now