Now : Wave One

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A current whipped her dark hair around her face as she frowned with concentration. Her tail was deep amethyst, marking her as a Guardian. It glittered in the waters surrounding her. Shafts of light drifted down, majestic columns in the translucent sea.

        A thought nagged in a corner of her mind, like the light of an anglerfish. She tried to swat it away, flinching with the effort. Returning her focus to her task, Leira explored the cavern she’d been hunted into. She wished her mood matched the tranquillity of the cavern’s waters, but she wasn’t used to being this far above the Nest. She wanted to flee back to the cold, dark comfort the deeper ocean held. Agitated, Leira adjusted the orb attached to her wrist, minimising its flow of energy. She reduced the light it was radiating to a mere glow. The cavern dulled instantly and she relaxed in the darkened waters.

          The thought returned. Focusing her concentration, Leira tried again to reject it. She knew if she allowed it to manifest, she’d no longer be in control of her own mind. For today, Leira was being Tested.

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