Welcome to Gotham

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Wow guys over 100 reads!!!
Thank you all som much. 'Jumps up and down'

Thank you everyone for the comments and votes it gets me super pumped to continue the story knowing you guys like it.

BTW I changed the cover because I didn't like the previous. Hope you like this one. 🤗


The only living Fenton flew nobody knows where. It was really chilly at his height and speed but with his ice core it was nothing. The flight gave him enough time to think. After some time, he found out that Dan could take over whenever he got too emotional and that he couldn't take over in his human form.

Those thoughts were spreading so fast trough his mind that he couldn't register them all. After all those horrible things that happened to him in the last 48 hours, he wasn't even surprised when a thought of a  suicide popped up. There wasn't much to live for Danny except keeping Dan at bay.

The young ghost boy didn't realize when his surroundings changed from a forest to a huge city. There were dozens of skyscrapers decorating the view but one stood out the most.  The Wayne Tower. Danny has heard of the famous billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne before and he has also heard of the mighty vigilante of Gotham City, the Batman.

All of those years of being Amity Park's hero and had never met any other superhero. Danny has never been in a different city, in his case state without his family or some money. The poor 14 years old kid came to a crime ridden city, starting from zero. He wasn't sure why but this city somehow called him closer, it was telling him to stay.

Danny gave on his instinct and glided himself on a wide rooftop. The halfa has been using his powers for a long time now and he was starting to get tired. He is half human after all. He needed to eat and sleep too.

As he was about to fly to the ground to find a shelter for the night, suddenly a bright light flashed on a rooftop only about a mile away. It looked like the beam was some kind of a signal... the Batsignal! The young boy finally realize what he was looking at.

He wasn't in a rush so he sat at the edge of a building and looked up to the glowing batsignal in the clouds. It isn't everyday a person can sit at the edge of a tall building, watching the glowing batsignal with a nice weather.

The batsignal has been up for good 20 minutes now and there was no sign of Batman yet. Suddenly Danny's eye caught a glimpse of a dark and shiny material on his left. When he took a closer look, he could see outline of two people swinging from a rooftop to rooftop. It wasn't hard to to guess who were the two people.

It was the Dynamic Duo, Batman and Robin, or the latest one of them at least. As soon as the two dark figures reached the source of the light, it turned off and the sky darkened.

Now, when the signal was off, there wasn't much to look at. Danny leaped off of the building into the dark night. He enjoyed the feeling of freedom, of the wind in his flaming hair and his fluttering cape. The boy realized that this was a body of his future self but it felt good to have a ghost side again, even if it had a very sassy and murderous owner such as Dan.

He landed gracefully in a dark alley, the soft ghostly glow lightning up the space a little. Dan has been suspiciously quiet the whole time so Danny didn't waste any time and changed back to his human form, before his future self could take over. As he did so, the alley darkened again and left the 14 year old alone, cold and with nothing.

The ghost boy waited a while for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Danny looked around, searching for any danger but he found nothing. Only a homeless man sleeping in a corner with a gray cat lying in his lap. As Danny walked past them, the cat stood up, its fur bristled. Danny has had enough of everything so he hissed at the cat hatefully.

INSIDE OUT (DP+Batman crossover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin