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"Ah, who could call me this early?" grabbing the phone that was ringing under my pillow. I at least tried to open my left eye to see who it was.

"Jisoo?" As soon as i said her name i answered the call.

"Hey..what's up?" I spoke with my morning version.

"Oh, my god! Y/n! I had called you for like more than six times!" she shouted over the line. I moved the phone a bit away from my ear. I sighed.

"well, I just woke u-"

"Open the door." she said then cutted the line.

"Is she already here?" I told myself getting out of tye bed. Opening the door to see her with 'not so happy' face.

"Hey! Why didn't you tell me you where coming?" I mocked her own cheerful tone. She gave me a poker face. I stopped this immediately and nod.

"I called you like hundreds times! To tell you that I'm coming! Agh, nevermind!" After she came inside and calmed a little.

"So i came here to take you out with me to go shopping. Oh? And why we are going? Well because there is a party on Friday." she says after sitting on the couch and gives me her 'listen here' look. "And you are coming!" she said smiling sarcastic. Knowing I this stuff isn't my type.

"Jisoo...you know I'm not going." I told her bored.

"Y/n, you know i can take you wherever i want to and whenever I want. " she keeps on smiling wide. I sighed out loud and sat beside on her right side. Convince her.

"Look, Jisoo. party... aren't... my... type. " I said slowly, one word by another with a serious face.

"Please?" She begged with those big wide eyes.

"don't try, it won't work this time." I told her. She grabs both hold of my shoulders and keeps on shaking me.

"Agh! Ooookay, okaaaay i willlll!" I said annoyingly. She stops shaking and claps her hands.

"That's my girl!" She said coming towards me for a hug. I only rolled my eyes with a pout.


The mall was big and filled with crowds. It took us one hour to search for the dresses we want.

"Finally! We got what we want!" Said Jisoo happily. She sat on the hard couch which it was in the middle of the hallway mall. And so did i.

"Yeah, finally done with it." I said exhausted.

"It's still a bit early to go home now and I don't wanna go. Wanna go to theater movie? There is a really good movie there." Jisoo asked.

"Yup, That's a good idea. " i said smiling.


" I had waited for this movie!" Jisoo said exited. "Oh, oh! it's starting, Hush!" Jisoo hushed me while her eyes are now fixsed on the big screen.

After some long minutes, someone came sat at the empty chair beside me at the left side. I guess he was a little late. In the middle of the movie Jisoo was really into it, as me. I took my Pepsi, sip it and then was about to put it back it's place on the seats arm. But accidentally it flipped and spilled over at the boys laps who was sitting calmly. Shoot! Why am I so careless! I cursed myself.

"Oh, my god! I'm so sorry!" I said it in a whisper tone and looked over at Jisoo but as i said, she was really into it that she didn't even notice a thing what happened here and i turned over to the boy again.

"Watch where you are putting it next time." he said, i could hear he was fed up. He picked the Pepsi bottle and was about to give it to me when at the same time the light from the wide screen movie, lighting bright and we locked our eyes together. I couldn't believe who it was.

"you?" He said giving me a bored face yet a little annoyed.

"Oh? Jungkook! What are you doing here?" I laughed awkwardly when he ignored me. Sometimes my moments are too awkward. Mostly. I took the bottle from his hand and placed it good this time. "are you alone?" I asked again.

"None of your concern." the bright light from the movie got away. Now his face was barely unseen.

"Well, I'm here with Jisoo." I said.

"So?" I shouldn't have said that nor asked. This is too awkward for me.

"Just saying." i said feeling embarrassed.

"Shit!" he yell-whisper and squatted down a little.

"Huh? What are you doing?" I squatted down too, to his level.

"Shit, shit shit! I need to get out from here!" He whispers.

"What! Why!?" I whisper yelled back.

He squat up a little to see. I followed him to see where he was trying to glance at.

"Oh, my god! Those guys again?!" I said feeling a little scared. Jungkook looked around to find the exit door. When he found it, he was about to run but instead he states at me.

"dang it!" He says pissed.

"Jungkook, what's wrong?" I asked being confused by his behavior.

"Shut up and come with me. " he coldly says. He pulled me with him. I stopped quickly. Letting go of his grib on my arm.

"Wait No! Why should i-?!" He cuts me off and came closer, whispering.

"Look, if they catches you, you will be in a big trouble. I'm warning you." he said with bloody death face, yet I could see he was stressed.

"Right. " i glanced at Jisoo who her eyes are still at screen.

"Let me tell her first -ah! What the hell?!" he grabbed my wrists roughly.

"We don't have time! Stupid!" We ran while squatting down so those guys won't see us. I keep apologies to every single person we run past to. They got annoyed when we blocked their views. As we got to the exit door, Jungkook opened it quickly.

"Hey! You can't go through that door!" An old lady who works here yelled.

"I'm so sorry we gave to hurr-"

"Just shut up!" Jungkook yelled at her running past her. She was surprised...even me.

"Jungkook! That was rude!"

"I don't care."

"Seriously, cold boy?" I mumble glaring at his back. We were about to run outside when he stopped harshly making me bump into his hard back.

"ouch!" I grabbed my nose in pain, shutting my eyes tight.

"Seriously? Raining? Now?! " his hands runs to his hair in frustration. Ignore the pain, opening my eyes to see it was pouring hard outside.

"I love rains!" I said exited as Jungkook looks at me disappointed.

"Why did i even drag you with me?" I only smiled, he rolls his eyes with a shake head. He comes closer to me, saying, "They are here, don't look behind." Jungkook said lowly in a whisper tone.

"Jungkook i think we should run." I told him the 'safest' ideas I could think of now.

"We don't have a choice." Jungkook said pissed, i can see it from his eyes that he doesn't want to get caught. Have I ever wondered?  Who are these guys? Who is he?  This time i grab his arm and dragged him with me outside.

"Wo, ho!" I yelled as i was covered with every drops of rain now, I was all soaked. This moment is the best! I will never forget this.

" You are gonna pay for this!" Jungkook yelled as he got all soaked. He was trying to hide his head with his arms from the rain. Too bad, he was already soaked.

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