Chapter 6

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A/N: I'm still trying to figure out who should play Finn and Blake (I am very picky about this), but this is who I envision as Scott. Woah, look at that package! But who is Scott you ask? Read and find out!


"Who the hell are you?" I declare as I glare at him.

He was a tall man--seems to be a characteristic of all the creeps here who want to get in my pants. His blonde hair swept up in the front shows off the rest of his lightly tanned face. His amused brown eyes were looking at me intently as if he was devouring prey.

Shivering from his intense gaze, I glance at Quentin for help.

He just shrugs as if this was usual, which is true because this is starting to become more of a common occurrence for me.

The man reaches over the table and grips my collar. "Oh, I see you already have an owner." He tsks, shaking his head. "But that can be changed." He purrs as he caresses my cheek.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Don't f*cking touch me." I get up, slapping his hand away.

He laughs, "No need to be embarrassed, sugar. You're so cute when you blush."

I turn away from him, facing anywhere but at him. I've been blushing too frequently lately.

It's because of these freaks! And it's only my first day here. How am I supposed to last three years? I'm never going to make it.

"Ah, sugar. Please don't be like that. I was only kidding."

Quentin steps in, "Sorry Finn. This is Scott. He can be a bit. . . intrusive sometimes."

I look at Quentin warily. How can even be friends with this guy? Scott is such a freak, but I guess most people are in this joint it appears. Great.

I sit back down when I decide that Quentin wasn't like this guy. Quentin has been cool so far. That doesn't mean that I am not still on guard though. It seems I can't trust anyone here.

"So Finn, you must be the new guy everyone is talking about. You sure have made a name for yourself already."

"Not intentionally," I grumbled. I didn't like the attention I was getting. It was proving to just be bad news. I'm just trying to blend in with my surroundings and not bring attention to myself. That seemed to be the best way to make it out of here alive--for the most part.

"I myself like to have myself out there. What's the fun in being another boring face? I like being known." He smirked.

"Is that why I am only finding out about you now? You didn't seem that relevant when I first got here." I look him over. He is not bad on the eyes. Stylish blonde hair, grey eyes, light tan, and toned arms.

"Like what you see?" His smirk widens.

I scoff, "You wish." I shake my head. There doesn't seem to be a single straight guy here. How the hell? "I'm not gay," I declare while glaring at him.

"Well, you could have fooled me with how you were just checking me out just a second ago."

"Hey, I told you that's not what I was doing! Why would I check out a dude, you b*stard?"

"Easy there, tiger. I was only teasing you. But you do have a sexy attitude," he says and blows a kiss my way.

Before I have time to react, the table jolts when someone sits next to me, claiming the seat without any care of our opinion of their intrusion. I look over to say something to the person but gasp when I see that it was Blake who sat next to me. His jaw was taut and his eyes were set in a glare focused on Scott, seated right across from him.

I open my mouth to say something, but Blake speaks first, not even bothering to look at me, "What are you trying to do Scott?"

Scott raises his hands defensively, "Nothing. Nothing. I was just having some fun." He grins as if he did nothing wrong.

"'Nothing' my ass, you pervert." I scoff.

"Oh, stop acting like you didn't like it," Scott smirks, extending his hand out to me.

Before his hand is even close to touching me, I am abruptly lifted from my seat. I squirm around as Blake lifts me onto his lap. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I try to push at Blake's chest to get away, but it's as sturdy as a brick wall, but that doesn't stop me from at least trying.

A low rumble escapes from Blake's chest as he chuckles at my futile attempts. My face instantly heats up as I realize the situation. I was sitting on Blake's lap in front of not only Scott and Quentin, but in front of the whole prison. Blake just tried claiming me. What was he even thinking? I'm not going to be anyone's b*tch to be handled around like some toy.

Ignoring everyone else, I look Blake in the eye, anger taking over the embarrassment that was once there.

"You know," Blake leans in closer to speak in my ear, "you're really hot when you try to look mad." He nibbles on my ear, making me yelp.

"No need to put on a show for the rest of us. I hope you intend to share." I snap my head over to glare at Scott.

I try to turn to face Scott to tell him off but am beat to it.

"He's mine."

I whip my head around to Blake. What the hell did this b*stard just say?

"I'm not some f*cking possession for you to own, you dick. I'm not one of your whores to boss around at your command. Get off of me, you faggot." I shove against him, trying to get off of this pervert.

Despite my struggling, he easily yanks me against his chest as he lifts my face to look back at him. I stare back into his eyes that can only be described as dark pits, ready to engulf any poor soul who gets caught in them. "I let it slide the first time, but you're really trying to piss me off." His voice is low and I doubt anyone else can hear him. "Call me a faggot one more time and your ass is not going to be the only thing abused tonight."

I scoff, but can't help the shiver of fear that rakes through my body. He does not seem like someone to mess with. Deciding not to take his words lightly, I go back to struggling to get away from him rather than arguing.

"Listen. If you keep rubbing up against me like that, you're going to have to take ownership of what you're doing to me down there, baby." He breaks eye contact to lean his head on my shoulder. It was only then that I realized the stirring occurring beneath me. This pervert was spotting a boner and it wasn't a minor problem might I add. 


I'm so sorry!!! Please don't hate me. I've had this chapter written for a little while, but I wasn't happy with how it turned out. But I revised it and I think it is way better now. I hope you guys enjoy. I'm planning for the next update to be in the near future (certainly not as long as it took to upload this one!) 

Remember to enjoy, vote, and comment. It really makes my day when you guys do. Thank you so much for deciding to support this book!


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