Chapter Thirteen

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 Chapter Thirteen  

Moon waved a quick uncaring hand at each person, "River. Reaper. Jaguar." Then a, "...and Luke," as an afterthought. I guess she was deliberating about whether or not to include me in the list...though it felt more like, 'one of these things is not like the others'. But I'll stand corrected if "River" is his actual name. But I don't like him, or care enough, to ask.

"Well, love to see how this is gonna progress now that we've effectively ruined their trust in us. Good job team," Silver went sarcastic with a slow clap.

Rose glares at her before quickly scooping up the bullets I dropped on the grounds before handing them to Ghost. She looked like she wanted to full throttle the girl but, for some reason, was stone cold silent.

"What? No come back? Wow...are you sick?"

"Doc, you're being mean," the giant, Bulldog, shyly tried to stop her.

That peaked my interest.

"Oh, am I? Might be good for her. Peg her down a rung or two on her ego ladder for a change."

"Silver," Ghost sighs her name as he cleans and reloads the bullets back into the barrel, without looking up. Clearly, she ruffles feathers on a continual basis in his group. He then looks over at Moon, "How do you want to do this?"

Silver clears her throat, putting her hands deep into her jacket's pockets and took a step forward; addressing us more directly. "The ball is in your court, after all. If you don't wanna deal with us, that's fine. We won't attack you again if you want to leave. I'll vouch for it."

"Silver!" Cat hisses at her.

"It's fair," Silver glares back but then looks over at us with a smile, waiting for Moon to respond.

"...What exactly are you after?" Moon was sharp and to the point.

"We are not after your territory or your group," Ghost states while putting the gun back in its hidden spot at the back of his jeans and under the hoodie and jacket combo he's wearing. "Simply information on the place and any locations that we can raid ourselves...even better if there is any way for you to assist... If you wanted to trade some provisions, we won't say no. I want to build up enough resources to start becoming self-sustainable. My end goal is to disappear into the mountains. Permanently."

Well someone's running away from something.

"Right," Moon didn't give anything away. She also let the conversation die into silence. From a normal viewpoint, she was completely guarded and not willing to continue for much longer. But after coming to know her over the last few weeks, I knew the first bit is true, but her motivations were different. She was stuck, unsure of how this was going to go. Well most wouldn't in her shoes, especially since he just reloaded the fucking gun right in front of her. The rude awakening wasn't easy to shake off and probably pushed her into realising she should have brought more people or handled the situation differently. She is probably feeling a lot of guilt for exposing the people she picked to this experience...and possibly starting to question a lot of her choices as a leader...and comparing herself to the ideal in her head and coming up short. ...She's on the verge of a panic attack. But she's doing a damn good job of hiding it. Her composure is...almost flawless. Save for the slight twitch in her fingers.

"And what would you want in return?" Ghost tried to prompt.

Shadow cuts in, "You know exactly what I'm after."

Ghost just lets out a breath, "And you already know my answer. The last time I've seen Jewels was with you when everything went wrong and I haven't heard anything in the last few months."

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