Natalie Wood

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Natalie Wood was an American Actress born to Russian Immigrants on July 30, 1938. She started staring in films at a very young age. Her mother also wanted her daughter to be famous. When she was a child she even took Natalie to a psychic who told her that she would in deed be a star but she also told Natalie to fear and stay away from dark waters. From that moment on Natalie was terrified of water. She wouldn't go in pools and for a while she wouldn't wash her hair cause she was that terrified.

Her mother got what she wanted when Natalie got a small part of a show where all she had to do was drop some ice cream. After that Natalie grew to fame with movies such as Miracle on 34th Street, West Side Story, Splendor in the Grass and Brainstorm where her costar was Christopher Walken (I am only bringing that up now cause it will come back up later)

Her mother would constantly torture her about her fear of water. Natalie said her mother would constantly tell her she was going to die in dark waters. She even recalled a moment where she was on set and she was suppose to cross a bridge but the bridge was set to collapse and the person on it was meant to fall into the water below. Of course Natalie who was afraid of water didn't want to do this (I'm saying the water thing a lot cause this is very important to the case). But her mother tricked her into believing that the bridge was safe and wasn't rigged to collapse. When Natalie crossed the bridge it of course collapsed and she fell into the water and ended up breaking her wrist.

Her mother didn't take her to any doctor after this. She left it heal naturally but it left a scar on her wrist. In many movies that she stars in you may notice she always is wearing bracelets. If a movie wanted to cover the scar they would make her wear a bracelet.

When she was just 10 years old she met a man named Robert Wagner who was 18 years old. They met each other passing the hallway.

Robert Wagner was also an American actor. He was born on February 10, 1930 in Detroit, Michigan. He stared in movies and shows such as The Towering Inferno, It Takes a Thief, The Pink Panther and had reoccurring roles in Austin Powers and 2 and a Half Men.

When Natalie turned 18 her and Robert began dating. They were actual a "studio couple." This means a couple that a studio puts together in order to gain publicity. These are real, even today. People believe that Demi and Joe was a "studio couple." But Natalie and Robert actually fell in love.

In 1957 the two of them got married. They had no children at this time. They eventually got divorced in 1962 and Natalie remarried a producer by the name of Richard Gregson in 1969. Richard and Natalie has one daughter, Natasha. In 1972 Richard and Natalie got divorced and Natalie and Robert got back together and even remarried in the same year. Soon after they had their own daughter and named her Katie.

As mentioned before, Natalie was terrified of water but Robert loved it. He even convinced Natalie to have their second wedding on a friends yacht. After that Robert and Natalie bought their own boat.

Robert was described by many to be insanely jealous. He didn't have much confidence in the relationship and feared Natalie would leave him for someone else. He was especially jealous of the relationship that Natalie and Christopher Walken who grew close on the set of their movie, Brainstorm.

Natalie invited Christopher to come with them on their boat, something Robert didn't seem happy about but did agree to.

On November 29, 1981 they set sail to Santa Catalina, California. Natalie and Christopher went out for dinner by themselves but Robert and the Captain they had hired soon joined them. Witnesses said that Robert seemed very angry because it seemed like Christopher and Natalie were ignoring Robert and having a good time on their own. But the time they went back to the boat they were all drunk, so drunk in fact the bartender called the boat docks to let them know they were drunk and not to let them leave until the morning.

The official story until 2011 was that Robert and Natalie got into an argument and Natalie ended up taking the dingy to leave. Now if you don't know, a dingy is a smaller boat attached to the yacht in case of emergencies or if you need to get to shore faster. They said a very drunk Natalie untied the boat, started the motor and rode off.

But in 2011 the captain gave a different story. He said when they got back to the boat Christopher say on the couch, Natalie started making tea and everything seemed fine. But them Robert grabbed a wine bottle, smashed it in front of Natalie and asked Christopher if he was trying to fuck his wife. Christopher just left. He didn't want to be apart of this so he left. Natalie got angry at Robert cause she left embarrassed. They then started to argue. It was so loud that the Captain thought someone was getting abused at one point. People on other boats even heard them. But every single one of them also said that it stopped suddenly.

The part of the fight people could hear however wasn't over Christopher or what just happened. Robert wanted to leave. He wanted to go back home. But there was a big storm coming and it was in the middle of the night so it was dark. Since Natalie was told to be aware of "dark waters," she didn't want to leave.

Around midnight the captain decided to check up on Natalie and Robert and at that time Robert told the captain that Natalie was missing and to search the boat. They couldn't find her and the captain wanted to turn the search light on in order to look for her but Robert didn't want that. He convinced the captain that she was probably in town and would be back soon and he started drinking again and asked the captain to drink with him.

About and hour and a half later Natalie still hadn't showed back up so the captain insisted on turning the search light on, which Robert finally agreed to.

Natalie was found by a lifeguard miles away from the dingy. She was wearing a think jacket, a nightgown and socks. That was all. She was pronounced dead and it was listed to be an accidental drowning.

If you looked up the cause of death for Natalie Wood you wouldn't find it to be listed under and accidental drowning anymore. Because in 2011 when the captain came forward with his story, the coroner stated that Natalie did have a lot of fresh bruises when she was found that he believed happened right before she drowned. So the cause then changed to "Drowning and other undetermined factors."

Even after it happened people suspected Robert of killing her. They said even in a drunken state there was no way that Natalie would have untied the boat herself, got in the boat while only on her nightgown, socks and jacket, and left in the middle of the night while it was pitch dark outside and a storm on its way. They were talking about the woman who wouldn't wash her hair for a long time cause water scared her so badly. It just never made sense to them.

In February of this year more witnesses had came forward to the point police decided to make a statement about reopening the case because they had new leads. A lot of people asked why people were speaking up now and the police explained it. Sometimes when someone sees something they may not believe it to be important at the time. It could be years before they think about it again and realize that it might be really important. So just because someone is saying something years later doesn't mean they are making it up. Sometimes it's just they didn't think it was important at the time.

No charges have been filed against Robert Wagner and they hadn't said what these leads even were.

Interesting enough though Natalie's children are split on whether or not Robert killed their mother. Natasha, who is Richards child and Roberts step daughter, doesn't believe Robert killed her mother. She believes that her mother in a drunken state got into a boat that she had no idea how to really navigate and she ended up accidentally drowning. But Katie, who is Roberts biological daughter, believes that her father killed her mother. Natalie's sister also believes Robert killed Natalie because she said there is no way Natalie would get on a boat while it was dark because she feared water, especially dark water.


Do you think Natalie Wood accidentally drowned or do you believe Robert killed her?

Do you think it's a bit creepy that the psychic told her to be aware and to fear "dark waters" and she ended up dying in "dark water"? If a psychic told you that, what would your reaction be?

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