Chapter 10

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I felt the aching burning on my legs begging me to stop but only making me speed up. I pumped my arms faster and took one step at a time trying continue.

We were in the gym. My last period of the day and also my favorite. I love feeling, the burning pain in my muscles begging me to stop. Really only encouraging me to keep going.

It was also one of the things I really enjoyed because it took my mind off of things. After I got back to school and went separate ways from Zeiden, my clouded mind began to clear letting my mind properly work again.

I couldn't believe that after years of practice, I had let down my guard. I had for a moment forgotten of the danger I almost let happen. I had let my anger out of control. Even if it was for a second it could have come out.

I knew what just happened should have made me more guarded but I couldn't help but wonder how he got the scar or who was responsible for it. The very thought of someone putting a hand on my innocent cute mate make me shake in anger. The only way I could keep it down was by working out.

The coach is making us workout in stations the whole period. We had chosen partners for the stations and I picked Thomas. So we were currently running.

"Thomas," I called out to Thomas as I stopped next to him after finishing another three miles. I both shook and stretched my legs trying to shake off the burning feeling. "Would you be able to hitch a ride with Mason today?" I asked him. He didn't question why I had exerted myself by running today. I noticed the looked of confusion he had since I began running nonstop. He instead just raised his eyebrows asking me why I asked about the riding change. "I was planing to give Zeiden a ride today." I explained still a bit out of breath to him heading in the workout room to the next station, the treadmill. My legs began to subside the burning feeling so I wanted to go at it again but slower.

"Sure. What are you guys going to do now that you are no longer going to attend school?" He asked casually trying to get me to talk about our relationship while he started up his treadmill to a jogging speed. I hadn't told any of my friend about what was going on with Zeiden. I knew that they wanted to ask about it, but I wanted it to stay between Zeiden and me.

I could see that he really wanted to know how our relationship was going. I don't know if it was that we were alone or that it was our life time friendship but I suddenly wanted to tell him about my relationship. "I haven't exactly told him about that yet." I said getting on my treadmill and looking down at the screen. I started it up and put it in jogging speed too. The burning feeling creeped out again but I tried to ignore it. I could feel his stare on me making me turn to him. "What?" I snapped at him.

"Nothing." He said raising his hands in surrender. "You know you are going to have to tell him." He lowered his hands still looking at me.

I sighed , "I know and I will." I said speeding up my speed trying to get rid of all the thoughts attacking my head beginning to give me a headache.

I stood out AP Physic B class. I was waiting for the door to ring so my mate could come out of class.

In my gym class I left early because I finished rising off in the school showers. We were given the last 15 minutes to wash up after class. I had rushed through it and taken 8 minutes.

My damped wet raven hair soaked my upper back shirt and had water drops still dripping from the tips. I had been in such a rush that I wasn't able to properly dry my hair. I shook it a bit to sake off some water swaying it to my face when the bell rang.

I wiped off the drops of water that landed on my face and looked at the door as students began to walking into the halls. I could feel glances at my direction. I shrugged them off.

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