33 → Fix You

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"She's going to be like that famous photographer

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"She's going to be like that famous photographer. What's his name again? Angel Adams?"

"Ansel Adams" Dia corrected as she changed the settings of the digital camera "and the only reason you know about him is because he was from San Francisco"

"That's not true!" Her dad looked at her through the rearview mirror of the car.

Dia set her camera down and sat up straight "alright, name another famous photographer, and one who isn't from San Fran"

Her dad thought about it for a second and Dia began to smile in triumph, that is until her mom gave her a name "Manuel Álvarez Bravo. Famous Mexican photographer" she looked around her seat to face Dia "and his wife, Lola Álvarez Bravo was also a famous photographer"

"She took pictures of Frida Kahlo" Dia finished. She and her mom shared a smile.

"I knew that!" Her dad defended himself.

Dia laughed and picked up her camera again. She heard her parents talking, laughing. She also talked with them and prepared her camera for when they arrive at their destination. Dia looked out the window and saw the blue ocean water below them. She has her camera in hand and aimed it up and through the closed window.

Dia heard her parents muffled voices, she knows she said something back but it was muffled. All the voices became muffled, Dia was too interested in taking pictures, even if they're still in the car.

Then, like a bullet through the air, she heard her mom's voice loud and clear "CUIDADO" she screamed. Scared, Dia looked up and through the windshield. It was all one big blur. Her camera fell out of her hand, she hit her head against the window as cars hit them, and different cars hit those.

The seatbelt locked and Dia felt it against her collarbone and shoulder. The car spun around, her dad lost control of it. There was screaming, screeching of tires, car horns, glass breaking, crash noises, something big breaking. Dia's head went round and round. Cars kept crashing into one another, there was a push, then suddenly she felt a drop.

The longest drop of her life.

Dia gasped loudly as she bolted awake. She pushed herself away from the table where she fell asleep and the chair she's sitting on, fell back. Dia screamed but something stopped her and the chair from falling down. She sat still in mid-fall and her heart is beating rapidly.

Slowly and with ease, Dia felt as she was being brought forward along with the chair. Once her feet were firmly back on the floor, Dia looked up to see Stephen Strange looking down at her in concern.

"Are you alright?" He softly asked her.

Dia placed her hand over her heart and felt it thumping. She nodded. "Thank you" she whispered and calmed herself down.

"Was it that dream again?" Stephen took a seat next to Dia "the drowning one?" She nodded "I'm sorry"

Dia gave him a weak half smile and rubbed her right shoulder. She looked at her surroundings, bookshelves, tables, ancient artifacts, the smell of old books and coffee, she was slightly out of it and wondered what she's doing in the sanctum. Looking down at the table, she saw an open book and remembers she went there to read and must've fallen asleep.

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