Chapter 6

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Alright, my favorite comment was one by @shii_shii and it said "dad's point of view "guy+car+daughter times lip ring=gun" Dunno why, but this made me laugh a lot and I just  couldn't contain my laughter. Update starts now!

Finley’s P. O. V

It was Luke and he looked mad.

I sighed and turned around, ready to explain everything to him, but Luke was already in my face, yelling at me.

“Where were you?! I was freaking out! I’m here waiting for you to get home and you never show up!” Luke yelled. “I was worried sick! You could have been dead! You couldn’t even call me? And then you come home at 5:00, mind you, with a boy? You’re lucky Mom and Dad weren’t home, they would have killed you-”

I could feel myself trying to get smaller and smaller as Luke yelled at me. I wasn’t used to being yelled at, as I usually didn’t get in trouble often, and Luke was scary to anyone without anxiety problems when he was mad. So I could feel myself leaning away from him, against the car, slowly sinking down against it, my breathing quickening as my mind tried to find a way to get out of this, a way to escape the panic attack that was coming, inevitably.

“Hey,” Eli said, somehow out of the car and next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “Lay off, she’s going to have a panic attack.”

Luke’s expression changed from anger to confusion. “Who’re you?”

“Eli,” Eli said firmly.

Luke’s expression changed. “Why are you here?”

“I was giving Finley a ride home,” Eli answered, still a hard edge to his voice.

“She has a car,” Luke deadpanned.

“The engine died so I offered to give her a ride home so she didn’t have to walk home,” Eli said.

“Oh,” Luke said, clearly out of arguments.

“Yeah, oh,” Eli said nastily and that’s when I decided to step into this conversation.

“E-Eli,” I reprimanded him.

Eli looked down at me and his eyes softened a little. “Yeah?”

“T-Thank you for the r-ride,” I said, clearly dismissing him.

Eli looked a little disappointed. “Okay. See you tomorrow, Finley.”

“O-Okay,” I said.

Eli got in his car and started the engine, waving as he backed up out of my driveway. I waved back and turned to face Luke, who still looked disgruntled.

“You didn’t tell me Eli was that Eli,” he said.

“What’s w-wrong with Eli?” I asked, bewildered.

“He’s a bad boy,” Luke explained. “He has a reputation around your school. He’s been in a ton of fights and rumor has it he’s got a ton of tattoos that he hides and that he got that lip ring because he was drunk. And he’s only seventeen.”

“So?” I said. “You got d-drunk all the t-time when you w-were even younger than h-he is.”

“But I wasn’t a bad boy,” Luke said, acting all dignified.

“You were c-close,” I said and walked into the house.

Luke sputtered in outrage and followed me, still spouting all the reasons of why he wasn’t a bad boy, which I promptly ignored as I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple before heading upstairs to do my homework.

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