Thirty Seven: Trentasette [re-written 20/08/21]

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Liliana cradled her husbands head to her stomach. She felt sick, and was deeply aware of how badly her hands were shaking as she threaded them again and again into Marcello's thick, dark hair. He still hadn't spoke, and as much as she wanted to shake him by the shoulders until he did so, she knew he needed time to collect himself. Too much had happened in such a short space of time, and understandably he was now overwhelmed. 

He had been crying, and her still bloodied vest was damp where his cheek pressed against her. She couldn't force him into a discussion so soon when she knew he had so much to process. She had known of her pregnancy for two days. Mercello was facing the loss of a family member, the pain of a serious wound, and the news that he was to become a father all at once. He needed time to compose himself.

Still, Liliana knew time was not on their side. Marcello had to return home, to America, as soon as possible. He was in desperate need of medical attention, whether he agreed with that statement or not. While Marcello seemed unbothered by his own health, Liliana was rightfully terrified. Should something happen to Marcello, Liliana didn't know what she would do. 

After minutes of silence, Marcello finally pulled away from her embrace. He leant back into the sofa, his eyes tinged red and his tanned face flushed. He seemed somewhat disorientated as he blinked blearily up at her, his eyes and cheeks still damp with tears. Marcello made no move to hide them from her. 

"Are you okay?" Liliana managed to ask, her voice catching. She dreaded his answer, dreaded to know what he truly thought of this revelation, despite how desperately she needed to know. They had never discussed children. Liliana had never really even thought of children, of being a mother. With their family history, neither she nor Marcello had any sense of functional parental role models. Now, knowing she was pregnant, she had still not processed the news properly. She had spent the past few days fearing Marcello's reaction, unable to think of much else. 

Marcello nodded curtly, but said nothing.                                           

Biting her bottom lip, Liliana awkwardly wrapped her arms around herself as she stood under his heavy gaze. His eyes dragged up and down her blood stained body, falling to stop on her stomach. The intensity of his gaze had her shuffling on thee spot. 

"We didn't use protection," Mercello whispered, perhaps talking to himself. Liliana nodded anyway. His wide eyes shot to hers. "How did you find out so quickly?"

Lilian shifted again on her feet, eyes narrowing slightly at Marcello's question. It had happened quickly; they had barely been married for two months now, and she was barely even a month pregnant. "It's been just over three weeks. My aunt had me take a test after I threw up. I confirmed it with the Dr. Candido the next day." 

"Back at the manor," he sighed in realisation, running a hand roughly across his face in what she perceived as irritation. "When we'd been drinking." 

"I'd had two glasses with a three course meal," Liliana scoffed. "I wasn't drunk by any means."

"Regardless, we were hardly on good terms with one another. We'd spent the entire dinner arguing." 

"I won't lie," Liliana began quietly, her arms tightening around her. "I can't I held much affection for you back then. I think we can both agree our marriage began with a rough start, but I slept with you that night because I wanted to. There's nothing more to it." 

"We've both been really stupid," she muttered, pausing to take a deep breath before asking, "When was the last time you were checked?"

"Checked?" Marcello sat foreword suddenly, grimacing at the movement, and Liliana had to stop herself from snapping at him for hurting himself. 

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