chapter 2

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"Hello sweetheart," the beta said, completely oblivious to what happened between the alpha and the girl.

"Alpha, beta Knox," her captors acknowledged, bowing slightly,

Meanwhile, Venus was still frozen, unable to believe his silent rejection of her, her eyes begging him to say something.

"State the problem boys," Knox said impatiently.

"Sir she was trespassing," they said.

"So what's new in this, question her and put her in the cells, you're acting as if you're new to this procedure," Knox snapped.

All the while Dante was silent, his eyes cold.

Venus felt as if her lungs were on fire, his silent rejection and the fact that he was not even defending her made her wolf growl in her head, so she took matters into her own hands.

"I've been over with this ten times, you three are clearly deaf, sir look, I didn't know I was on pack land, okay, I meant no harm, can I please leave, your warriors are not as smart as rumor says they are, they look like fools!" venus exclaimed, she knew she shouldn't have said it, but damn, her wolf was restless and so was she.

"Hey how dare you-,"
"Listen here bitch-"
"Okay who the fuck-"

The three warriors were cut off by a loud bang, everyone straightened, Venus looked up to see that he had slammed his hand against the desk to silence everyone, his eyes bright, flashing with anger.

"ENOUGH!" Dante boomed as he stood to his full height, everyone's heads in the room tilted downwards upon the sheer authority and power in his voice.

All except Venus, as she looked him dead in the eye, dismissing his command, her wolf standing on guard.

The occupants of the room peeked their heads up to see the stubborn girl had not moved upon the command, surprised and unnerved they looked at each other.

Knox was mind blown, what the actual fuck, he thought.

Dante growled, the disrespect he got from the stubborn chit was inexcusable.

"Take her to one of the rooms, and lock her there," Dante growled out, his lycan surfacing, his eyes darkening.

The warriors were surprised, after such a show of disrespect they thought the girl would surely be beheaded but the alpha wanted her in a room.

They quickly held onto her, Venus pulled her arms from their grasps and hissed through clenched teeth,

"Don't touch me, I can walk by myself," glaring at Dante on her way out.

After they left, the office consisted to silence.

Knox was the first to speak, grinning widely, he looked at his best friend who was trying to control his lycan.

"She'S your mate," it wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Shut your mouth before i shut it for you," Dante snapped, his lycan was trying to mark her the moment she walked through the door but Dante was keeping him at bay.

Knox let out a loud rumbling laugh,

"Oh you're gonna have your hands full with that one, wait till Sophia finds out, she would be ecstatic," Knox said.

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