19. The Honeymoon

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It was their six month anniversary and it also happened to be Mansi's birthday. Since Mansi had also started work, Amit and Mansi were not able to spend as much time together as they wanted. Amit blamed himself for this because he felt that he wasted the time he had with her by acting like a brat. 

Amit had been planning for Mansi's birthday for the past few weeks and had been able to convince her to take a week off work. They were finally going on their honeymoon and Amit was keeping the location as a secret.


Both of their families came to see them off at the airport. After a good-bye full of cautions about the foreign country they finally went to check in and Mansi saw their flight was for Paris. She squealed with joy on seeing this and turned around to hug Amit. Amit chuckled hugging her back. They dozed in and out of sleep all throughout the flight. It was evening in Paris when they landed and so they directly went to the hotel that Amit had booked.

Hotel Eden was a state of the art building but what building is not state of the art in Paris. The balcony in their room overlooked the Effiel Tower and Mansi was fascinated by the view. They quickly changed and got ready to explore forgetting all their tiredness and jet-lag.

The first thing that they searched for was a restaurant and on finding one they ordered everything that they could pronounce. Once done with food, the tiredness and the jet-lag suddenly kicked in and after taking a stroll around the beautiful marketplace, they retreated to their room. Mansi fell asleep as soon as she hit the sack but Amit couldn't. It was Mansi's birthday and he had some plans.

At twelve, Amit went and tapped Mansi lightly on the cheek to wake her up. Mansi groaned and covered her face with the blanket but Amit gently pulled it away and tapped her again. Mansi slowly opened her eyes and saw that the room was lit with fairy lights and candles. She sat up looking around, taking in the room. She thought she was dreaming until Amit wished her a happy birthday and kissed her. 

She blushed as they pulled apart muttered a shy thanks. Amit smiled at her shyness and stood up, tugging her hand to do the same. He led her to a table that had candles lit all around it with rose petals surrounding a cake, her favourite red velvet cake.

They cut the cake and went back to the bed where Mansi noticed was a bottle of red wine and some crackers. Amit poured some for both of them and they settled in bed. They had gotten comfortable in the past few months to talk about anything and everything with each other and so they did. They didn't realise when they came so close to each other and maybe it was the wine or maybe it was romance in the air of Paris but they finally gave in to their desires. It was a night of passion and the hot burning desire of two parched souls and they fell asleep in the early hours of the morning.

It seemed their honeymoon passed in a blur with the best memories that they could have made. They came even close to each other and their bond grew even stronger. In the ten days that they were in Europe, they roamed around the popular tourist spots like Venice, Austria, etc. The last day they were back in Paris and they had an early morning flight back to India so Mansi wanted to do something special.

Having dinner at the top of Effiel Tower is considered to be extremely special and that's where she booked a table for Amit and herself. They arrived at seven and were taken to their table. It overlooked the city which was a breathtaking view. They had some starters and then Mansi led Amit to the dance floor where slow music was being played for the couple who were dancing. They danced to the tune just enjoying the close proximity with Mansi's head on Amit's chest.

As the song came to an end, they looked into each other's eyes and it was Amit who broke the silence, "I love you, Mansi." It took a few minutes to sink in completely but when it did, heart hammering and cheeks turning a dark shade of red Mansi also muttered 'I love you too'. Nothing could have been as perfect as that moment.


It's been two weeks since they had returned from there honeymoon and things were normal until Mansi realized something was wrong with her.....

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