Chapter 34 - Grasping

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Chapter 34 - Grasping

A week later, the glimmering turquoise river gently, calmly and slowly caressed the smooth shimmering rocks at every stroke repetitively.

Her footprints followed her steadily across the bumps as she made her way down to the water's edge. The smell of the water tickled her nose, and she could not decipher when she had last seen a sight more gorgeous than that mass of sapphire blue stretching to the farthest ends of what her eyes could see; almost as if it were trying to kiss the hanging orange sun. She smiled as her toes wiggled in the cool water as she sat down on the large boulder to dip her feet inside the depths of water. With one last glance at the sinking sun, she turned to her side where Arnav took a seat beside her to watch the skyline.

"It's beautiful." Khushi said, the rush of adoration washing over her. She did not know what it was exactly, but she only assumed that it had to do with the beautiful colours layering themselves in the vast sky above her, and her Arnav at her side. It was almost ethereal, the view of it all, the feeling of it all. She felt free, there was no other word for it.

"I thought you'd like it." He shifted closer to her, tugging on her hand to entwine with his.

"Thank you for bringing me here. You know...I used to come here all the time as a child during my summer vacations. I've always loved the view of water...especially the ocean!" She admitted.

"I know. I remember you telling me some time ago." He smiled warmly at her, his eyes calm...serene, as gentle as the water that crashed before them. "But I never knew why you loved it so much."

"It's always gleaming and radiant. The water is had this beautiful exterior to the human eye, and I find it so interesting that we are only presented with the surface. Some people may find it boring, just the one same old shade. But inside...there's so much to explore. You'd never know by just sitting here and watching." Khushi explained. She suddenly put her head on his shoulder as they continued to relax around the atmosphere presented before them, trying to hide the colour that rose up her cheeks. " reminds me of you. Your name means the ocean...Arnav."


His heart constricted at the idea, that she had related one of her most favourite sites to him...the ocean and him. He wondered, how one could seemingly be so innocent, so beautiful on the inside. Physical beauty had always associated itself with Khushi, however it was a whole other matter to have the gentleness within you. He pondered again, over how incredibly fortunate he was to have her in his life. This beautiful being, that he would not trade for the world.

Despite knowing her for the majority of his life, he found it fascinating that she could still leave him in awe with her simple words. No one had ever bothered, however she was the only thing that made him feel special. As if he was one of a kind, she had this adoring look in his eyes that managed to make him feel good about himself. Throughout Arnav Singh Raizada's life, he hadn't bothered with those kinds of sentiments. And that was what had caused him to lose her in the first place.

Squeezing her hand tightly in his own, not knowing what exactly to say because he had never been so great with words, he brought her fingers to his lips to kiss every single one. The soft skin against his lips felt similar to the most natural sensation there could be.



"You brought me here purposely didn't you?" She said moments after.

He frowned in confusion. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

"I told you the other day about how I used to come here with Babuji...this very river, and I used to feed the fish. And you remembered." She shook her head with a smile, as she rose from his shoulder. "I know you. You've been going out of your way to do these little things for me, to see that smile on my face. In fact, I don't remember the last time I was upset, and I believe that's all thanks to you." She have his hand a soft squeeze. "But you don't have to do all this. Just being with you is enough. You don't have to bring me places, or buy me things..."

When she paused to glance up at his deep brown irises, she saw the intensity in them that she was now terribly accustomed to. "Are you done?" He asked in slight amusement.

"Khushi, I want you to be happy. That's it. I'm not going out of my way to do anything, I want to do all of these things and more." He pulled her to his chest then, as she familiarly placed her face in the crook of his neck, while he placed his chin atop her head. "Technically, I'm only being selfish. Because you're happiness deeply affects mine." He contemplated, making her lips curve into a smile. "You're all that matters."

She felt better instantly, his soft soothing words and the song the waves created as they crashed to shore only enhanced it all.

"Now we have a substitute little haven apart from our beach, where we can carve new memories." She thought out loud in content.

Khushi only felt him hold her tighter, hugging her close as if she would disappear with the breeze.

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