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Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Ava watched the fire dance on the candle, her vision just focused as she was mesmerized at how the fire just danced and danced evaporating the air that surfaced around it. Her hands were rubbing soothing circles on her stomach as she sat in the chair across from everyone that gathered for the baby shower in honor for her daughter that Grayson and Wren threw.

She loved all the decorations, the pink and white ribbons and the little teddy bear cake that was on the table next to Ava that had some of the presents. She had a smile on her face but it didn't quite meet her eyes. She knew that today was supposed to be something that she should be happy and enjoying, but as much as she was enjoying herself, she was more missing her mother, the one person that she wished that she could see was here. She always dreamed about the day she was to have a child, her mother would be holding her hand and going all extreme just for her grandchild, but her mother couldn't be here and she never will be.  It's been nearly ten years since her mother died, and Ava moved on every day reminding herself everything she could about her mother, but today the ache in her chest only grew as she watched her aunts smiling and laughing as they mingled around with the family talking about anything and everything.

Ava longed for her mother to be by her side to experience happiness alongside her, but she couldn't let her sorrow get in the way of enjoying herself. So if that meant that Ava had to pretend to be happy than so be it.

"I heard you named your daughter after your mother," Aunt Rosie told Ava as she walked over to where her niece sat handing the girl the pink frosted cupcake that she asked for."

"Yeah, I named her Aria Brookelyn Knight," Ava said with a smile thanking her for the cupcake. "Brookelyn coming from my father's mother."

Aunt Rosie nods her head taking the empty spot that Wren was sitting in and turned her body so that she was facing Ava.  "Are you and Grayson getting married?"

Ava's eyes widen as she shakes her head. "Oh God no, we aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend."

Aunt Rosie gives Ava a weird look as she glances down at her pregnant stomach. "You're not dating, yet you're having his baby?"

Ava sighs and nods her head. Aunt Rosie sighs shaking her head and stands up from the chair she was seated on. Ava knew that her mother's side of the family was very religious but didn't think that her family was going to judge her because she got pregnant out of marriage and with somebody she wasn't dating but knowing her Aunt Rosie she wasn't judging her and was just being protective over her.

"I'm going to go have a talk with this young man." Aunt Rosie exclaimed stomping over to Grayson.

Ava laughs and takes a bite out of her cupcake loving the buttercream frosting. She watches as Grayson stares at her aunt Rosie in horror and stifles a laugh when she begins hitting his arm with her purse. That was one of the many things that she loved about her aunt. She was super crazy and would do anything to cause a scene.

"What happened to wanting to have the baby's name, Bradley?" Wren asks walking back over to her.

Ava shrugs her shoulders finishing her cupcake. "I liked the name Aria, but I'm thinking of spelling it Ayra like they do in Game of Thrones."

Wren nods her head and stares over at Grayson who was talking casually to Aunt Rosie like he's known her for a very long time. "Are you guys together now?"

Ava shakes her head. She knew that people were going to ask if she and Grayson were together but they weren't and Ava doesn't think that she finds herself being with Grayson for a very long time. Currently, she wants them to just stay friends as they have been it seemed to be working on both ends and, one thing that she is afraid is that if they ever do try to be a couple that they would fight and wouldn't be able to agree on many things.

Like the other day, they got into a big fight because of where Arya was going to be staying which was obviously was going to be in Ava's apartment but Grayson wants to be able to help Ava after the baby was born which she is fine with but he wants them to move in with them since Chris moved to an apartment complex closer to campus.

Ava of course, told Grayson that she didn't want to move all of her things into Graysons apartment due to the fact that it would be too much work on her and since is pregnant she couldn't carry heavy things for a long time. It already took Ava ten minutes to walk to Graysons apartment that was located on the level above her, she could only imagine how long it would take her to carry a box up there.

Ava told Grayson that he was more than welcome to move in with her and take the spare bedroom that Wren sleeps in when she would come over but Grayson said he didn't want to take Wrens bedroom away.

In all matters, the situation was a mess and they needed to come up with something fast since Ava's due date was slowly approaching.

"Guys it's time for the name spelling tally marks!" Dylan exclaims standing on the chair he was sitting on with a box in hand. "Grab the piece of paper you were handed when you walked in the door and write which name spelling you prefer out of 'Aria with a I' or 'Arya with a Y'."

Ava smiles at Grayson who puts his name in the one with a Y before walking back over to where Ava was sitting a smile on his own face.

"Aren't you going to go put your selection in the box?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to wait for Dylan to bring it over, my back is starting to hurt."

Grayson gives Ava a worried glance as he starts massaging her back for her. "Do you want me to get a better chair or the heating pad?"

Ava shook her head giving him a smile. "I'm fine thank you though, but I do want you to grab me another cupcake." She said with a laugh.

Grayson playfully rolls his eyes but grabs a cupcake from the tray beside him and hands her it. Ava takes a bite moaning at the cream cheese frosting and sighs. Grayson shakes his head wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leans his head onto her shoulder.

"What are we going to do if our daughter doesn't like watching Friends?" Ava asked looking down at Grayson.

Grayson lifts his head up from her shoulder giving her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean what if one day I'm watching Friends and she says she hates it. I'd be so sad Grayson," Ava said feeling tears well up in her eyes at the thought of her daughter hating her favorite tv show.

Grayson laughs at that making Ava shoot him a glare of annoyance. "It's not funny Grayson I'm being serious." She says hitting his chest.

Grayson continues on laugh shaking his head before resuming placing his head on her shoulder.

"You're so weird at times Ava. I think that's one of the many things that I love about you."



Word Count; 1,305

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