Chapter 31- Drunk

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Ashton's POV

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"Sir, please you are needed inside." Dean all but shouted, interrupting my small mind journey back in time. I couldn't care less if not for the way he spoke.

"What for? " I asked making no move to get up from the poolside where I was seated.

"It's miss Lawrence " this got my attention. I dispose of the wine bottle which looked almost untouched. Thankfully I didn't drink much.

She wouldn't want to see me. I thought.

"What's has happened to her"

"Come see for yourself, Sir. " I followed him inside.

Taking her drunken stage in. All memories fade leaving only her.

"Ashton, Ashton Ashton. " Ella was dancing and shouting my name on stage. Swaggering on the stage like she has no care in the world. I took a moment to study her. I haven't seen her this happy before. She was dancing happily and giggling brightly like the sun on a sunny day. I want her to be this happy, always. I'm getting a glimpse of happiness from a lady, but not from my lost love, Tiana but an equally loveable person.

Wow! Who got her so drunk.

I was amused. Everyone watched as she danced. Her black shiny hair shone as she bounces with no heel. She shoves her drunken friend away when she try catching her.

Where is my Ashton? She sang my name. Possession much, drunk Ella.

A man walks up to her and wraps an arm around her. " I'm here baby," he said.

I felt something in my gut, like punching him.

"No, you are not my Ashton., " she pushed him away.

That's my girl. I rejoice to watch her. I made my way towards her.

"Looking for me?" I smirk

"Lena, see, I told you he will come back. He always does." She giggles. I didn't know what exactly they were talking about, but I was happy. Just happy that I might be the one they were referring to. And yeah I always come back...right?

"Hey, let's get you home, you are drunk."

Since Dean was the only one not drunk beside me, I left everything in his care and took Ella home. To my house I mean. Her friend Lena was even drunker than her and she was with Jake so she is in good hands. With those two cases sorted I took Ella to my house.

And that was how I ended up with a lady in my house for the first time. Though drunk and not in her right state of mind now but she is still a lady and it is also my first time so I was a little nervous. I said a little. A little because she was drunk, else I would have been scared for life.

I drove into my driveway and parked the car. Open the car door and picked her up bridal style and walked us into the house.

"Don't leave " she whines when I left her to get her some clothes to change into.

"I'm not. I'll be back." With that, I went to my bedroom to get her something comfortable to wear.

"I think Lena finally succeeded." She mumbles as I changed her dress. I tried not to look at her naked body as I changed her.

Tried being the keyword. Don't judge me, I am a man!

"Succeed in what," I ask

"In getting me laid."

"Uh, what?" I was taken aback, not because it is coming from her but because of how blunt she said it. All confident and all.

"You want to get laid by me?" This was getting quite interesting.

"Who wouldn't? You are handsome, sexy, and a good person." She lowered her head when saying the last part.

"Wait what? You think I'm a good person.! " once again I was surprised because that is something I don't hear from people often. Only those close to me are aware of this fact, though they don't mention it, I know they are conscious of it and acknowledge it when the need arises.

"Thank you" I chuckle

Now done with changing her outfit, I lay her gently on the bed and covered her with the blanket. She kept murmuring some incoherent words I didn't understand but I let them slide. After she closed her eyes, I got up to leave. As quiet as possible not to disturb her.

"Good night" I murmured under my breath.

"Please don't leave me." She said in a whisper, I almost didn't catch it if not for how quiet the place was. Slowly I turned about to face her but her eyes were still closed.

"Please." This time she sounded too faint and pleasing, venerable even. I stood there, not moving an inch. Only listening.

"Why does everyone leave at the end? First Mum, then He also followed, James did too, and now you. Maybe I'm not good enough." She was sobbing hard by the end of the sentence. Finally understanding what was happening, I rush over to her and tap her lightly. She didn't talk nor opened her eyes. I shake her harder this time. "Ella, Ella wakes up." She did look so weak with tears streaming her beautiful face. A part of me breaks as I took in her appearance. I wrapped my arms about her in a hug, consoling her.

"It was just a dream, love, calm down." Though it felt more real than just a dream, I was hoping that it calms her down.

"I'm here and I'm not leaving you." Not now, not tomorrow, now ever. I wanted to add.

I continued to console her till she calmed down.

Sorry for the late update. I'm so busy with school. Sorry!!!

Happy reading

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