Chapter 9

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                              Shaurya realised that Mehek had fainted and was quick to hold her before she fell down. He called out her name repeatedly but she didn't respond. He lifted her into his arms and yelled desperately, "Is there a Doctor here?". His voice brimmed with care and concern, "Can someone get me a Doctor? Help me, please". He kept Mehek on nearby couch and rubbed her cold hands. "I am a Doctor", a lady came forward. While she checked Mehek, his heart was beating miles per hour. "Is she under any medication? Does she suffer from any ailments?", the Doctor enquired him. "She is pregnant", he answered quickly and few onlookers smiled at one another suggestively. After few minutes, doctor gave her verdict, "She looks fine. Probably fatigue. After taking rest, she will be fine. Still it's better if you consult her gynac", she advised and sprinkled water on Mehek. She patted Mehek's cheeks softly and called her. Mehek opened her eyes slowly. Doctor held a tiny water bottled to her lips and made her sip from it. Mehek was still very tired and struggled to sit. "She seemed to be weak and stressed. Proper sleep and nutritious food is a must in this condition. You need to ensure that she gets both", she told Shaurya then turned to Mehek, "Take care, Dear. If still discomfort persists contact your gynecologist immediately ".

Once she reached the pent house, Mehek managed to take a quick shower and throw on a loose night shirt over her. She just wanted to hit bed and sleep. She was afraid Shaurya will be furious regarding the scene she made at the exhibition. But she was too tired to even explain her state. As she arranged the pillows and got ready to sleep, the door slammed open. Shaurya studied her from door. "What do you think you are doing?", he sounded irritated. Mehek was unable to find suitable words to reply him. "Going to sleep on empty stomach. Are you crazy?", he scolded while moving towards her, holding a tray with food. Mehek looked at the dishes distastefully. "I am not hungry. I will be fine once I get some sleep", she try to avoid. "Shut up", he roared and she fell silent. He made her sit on bed and arranged pillows for her to lean on. He took a spoonful of rice, mixed with curry and extended to her lips. "Open your mouth", he told softly but firmly. Mehek still appeared apprehensive and gave him a pleading look. "You need to eat properly", he then gestured to her stomach, "For our baby". Her heart took a leap when he uttered 'Our baby'. She lips curved up for a small smile while accepting the food he offered. After ensuring that she was fed properly, he left with tray. When he came back with a glass of warm milk, he found her dozing against the headboard of bed.

Mehek blinked her eyes several times to get accustomed to the darkness around. It must have been past midnight. She was parched but found the water jug empty. She took the jug and walked towards kitchen. As she filled jug with water, she heard faint sound of musical notes. Somebody was playing piano. She tiptoed to the room where the antique instrument was kept. She saw Shaurya playing it's keys effortlessly. She silently stood behind him, listening to the piece he played and couldn't help clapping her hands when it came to an end. "That was beautiful", she exclaimed but soon became timid fearing his reaction. But he didn't mind her intrusion. He extended his hand, inviting her. He pulled her to him and hugged her. As he was sitting, his head reached only till her chest and his palm caressed her belly. Mehek remained inert, enjoying his attention and affection.

"Don't scare me like you did today", he told her hoarsely. She nodded and stroked his soft hair. He looked at her, with eyes gleaming with emotions. Though delighted, Mehek could sense something amiss, "Shaurya, are you drunk?". "Just a little wine", he grinned and got on to his feet. "It's really late. You need to sleep", she advised him. "Help me", his request confused her, "help me to rest this agitated mind of mine". Before she could defy, he lifted her in bridal style. "Shaurya", she was extremely nervous. "I need you, Mehek", his words melted her .He calmed her fears and convinced her that he will not harm her. She wasn't sure whether it was right or wrong but it surely felt good to be with him. She wanted to be loved by him. Her body and mind yearned for him. He kissed her softly while placing her on his bed. She lost herself and took in the pleasure he offered. That night, Mehek believed he made love to her, again.

Shaurya had a smile on his face when he woke up next morning. He turned to his side to find it empty. Soon he recalled previous night. His smiled vanished to a frown. He got worried and rubbed his temples . He slept with Mehek, on a bed where he had brought many women. Although he had always intended to use her to warm his bed, he felt guilty. Somehow it felt so wrong to lower Mehek to the same status as other women. What is happening to me? Am I softening to her?, he was alarmed. She was moving closer to his heart again and he couldn't bear another heartbreak. He decided to act quickly. He showered and came down in search of Mehek. He was relieved that she had already left for work. As time passed, his head was still a mess yet he decided to clear the mess he had made.

Mehek was gladly offering a chocolate muffin to a toddler when Shaurya walked in. She was happy and beamed at him. Before he could reach her, Sonal came before him, "Hello, Mr Khanna. How are you?". "I am good, Sonal. And please call me, Shaurya", he successfully charmed Sonal. Mehek noticed that he was holding a travel bag with him. "Actually, Sonal I need your help. I have to stay away from here for few days owing to my business trip. So will it be okay if Mehek stays with you?". Mehek was taken aback but she tried to act normal as Sonal turned to look at her. When Sonal agreed, he flashed his cute smile at her and thanked her. "Honey, can I talk to you for a second?", he pulled Mehek outside. Once they were in safe distance from Sonal line of sight, he took a deep breath, "I need sometime to figure out things". 

Mehek glared at him in confusion. "Last night was...", he paused while gazing at her. He quickly looked away unable to meet her eyes, "Our arrangement doesn't seem to be as fulfilling as I thought it would be". "What do you mean, Shaurya?", unknowingly she raised her voice. He was blowing hot and cold. His bipolar nature angered her. He was quick to catch change in her tone. Somehow it triggered the dark side in him, "Do I have to spell it out to you? I don't want you anymore. Not even in my bed ". Mehek balled her fists to control her temper. She thought it would be better to leave than create a scene. When she turned to leave, he spoke, "That's doesn't mean that I will bail out from the deal. I will fulfill my end of the bargain. Your baby will have my name. I need some time to think through it". Mehek blinked back her tears, "Hope you will able to accompany for my next ultrasound scan". "Sure, I will", there was no confusion in his voice and she was consoled a bit. Before he could speak further, she walked away keeping her head high.

Couple of days later, at hospital. "Ma'am, are you ready? Shall I send you next or do you still prefer to wait?", the hospital staff asked Mehek.  She had been waiting for Shaurya for past 2 hrs. She managed to postponed her appointment several times for his sake but Shaurya was nowhere to be seen. Mehek eagerly looked at the door once again. Hospital staff felt bad for her and tried to help her, "I will check whether the next patient has arrived. You will get some more time until your husband arrives". Mehek looked at her sadly. The pity that appeared in young lady's eyes burned her self-respect. "I don't have a husband. I am alone", she told vehemently surprising the latter and herself. "No need to push it further. I am ready", she confidently told her.

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