Chapter 4: Acceptance

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|| Anadia's POV ||

It had been two days since the whole Sicora fiasco, and honestly I think I was going to like it here. If  I ended up staying, anyway. There were many pro's to my current situation, for one, there was Qualin. I was kind of shocked to admit that he'd grown on me these past few days, he'd proven himself a real friend. I also had food whenever I want, shelter, and of course a secure territory to call my own. Well, my own and Qualin's.

"Anadia!" Came the call, which echoed through the unique halls of the Kymari's house.

Perking my ears forward, I spread my feathery wings and flapped down from the high perch that was positioned in the corner of the living room. I swooped down and through the doorway into the kitchen, where Lyri was seated on a spinning stool. As I circled him, he held out his wrist for me to land on. I did just that, carefully moving my talons in a position so that they wouldn't dig into his gloved hand.

"We have to go somewhere today," He revealed once I settled. "After your little display with the Sicora, the Elders have been notified of both your existence and your unique abilities." 

Qualin suddenly dropped down from a shelf, landing on Lyri's shoulder with an adorable worried expression on his face. 

They won't hurt her, will they? What if they deem her dangerous? He stressed, his tail tip flicking back and forth anxiously.

Either way, it's fine. I spoke up, flexing my talons with a yawn. It doesn't matter if they hurt me, because you'll be fine, right?

There was a short, tense pause before I was abruptly enveloped in a winged hug. Qualin had hopped down to sit on Lyri's wrist with me. 

Of course it matters! We won't let them hurt you, not if I can help it. The blue Dragonet hissed boldly, lifting his head up high with his lips peeled back.

"The Elders will do what they think best for our people," Lyri sighed, frowning as he contemplated the predicament. 

He glanced at the fancy clock hanging on the wall and stood, shifting both Qualin and I onto his shoulders. I coiled my tail around his waist again to keep the dangerous tip out of trouble.

"We must leave now, since we don't want to keep them waiting now, do we?" He walked down the entry hall to the door, opening it and stepping out.

I observed the bustling streets, watching the green-skinned aliens going about their day in an orderly fashion. Before long, a transportation shuttle pulled up in front of us, it's thrusters keeping it in a steady hover. Lyri boarded the hovercraft, before taking a seat. It seemed this was a pre-planned occasion, since the driver was already on the way to our destination without needing to be told.

I glanced around at the interior, noting the rows of seats, windows, and tables for sitting things on. Tilting my head and letting out a slight trill, I curled my tail a little tighter as anxiety set in. Not for being judged by the Elders, anxiety for what the two beings who'd taken me in would do if I was declared dangerous. Would they abandon me without a second thought? Or would I linger in their memories? 

Time seemed to slip between my talons, one moment we were simply traveling, the next we were disembarking and on our way to the meeting grounds. I wondered what my future held for me, it could go either way now. Lyri absentmindedly stroked my tail as he walked, his features revealing how many complex thoughts were flickering through his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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