nobody is home

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"Back in high school, my friend claimed her house was haunted. After a night of dinner/shopping, we stopped back at her house so that she could let the dogs out. Two weird things happened: First, the three of us (myself, friend A and friend B) searched all over the living room for the dog leash, but couldn't find it. We left the room to look for it somewhere else, and when we came back, the leash was sitting on the coffee table in plain sight. There's no way ALL three of us would have missed that after searching for ten minutes. It was like somebody had put it there when we left the room.

Second, my friend B goes to take the dogs outside and I/friend A are just hanging out in her living room waiting. All of a sudden we hear a man's deep voice call out "[friend B's name]," and so we both respond "She's in the backyard, taking the dogs out." We assumed it was her stepdad or brother who had just returned home. Friend B comes back inside and we told her that her stepdad/brother was looking for her and she told us they weren't in town that weekend. Friend B looked all over the house for a family member and nobody was home."

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