Chapter 13

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Elijah's POV

"How is she doctor?"
"Well, this is the most stable she has been in the last 5 days. Her heartbeat is steady but because her head injuries are severe and she's suffering from a fractured skull, she's gonna be in a coma for awhile."the doctor looked on his clipboard and read what was on it.
"Um, I must say, I honestly don't think she's gonna make it. When her skull was fractured, it caused multiple damage to the brain. Even if she does wake up, it might not be for a couple of months."the doctor continued. My eyes left Tori's sleeping state and immediately snapped to the doctor's.
"What do you mean by she may not make it?"I asked. I was furious.

How could he say that! Can't he have, I don't know. Hope?

"It's exactly what I mean Mr. Wright. You may have to pull the plug."
"I will not f**king pull the plug!! It's your damn job to do all you can to make sure she wakes up."I held the doctor by his collar, pushing him up against the wall.When he saw the cold look in my eyes, he paled.
"Y-yes sir. We'll try our best."he stuttered.
"Good. Now go."I didn't have to tell him twice. He took off like his life depended on it.

Well, it sorta did.

I walked over to the other side of her hospital bed with my guitar that I brought with me, and sat in the little brown sofa that came with the room. I held her hands in mine and just stared at her.


"Elijah! Come quick!"I snapped my head to Tori's front door and saw a frantic looking Leo standing at the door, with his shirt soaked in blood.

What the hell?!

"What the hell happened?! Where's Tori?!"those were the words that left my mouth as soon as I reached Leo.
"She' bottle.......bleeding"he was out of breath. Probably due to the fact that he sprinted to the door to call me.
I didn't wait for him to catch his breath though, I sprinted in the direction of which I thought the living room was. When I got there I stopped in my tracks. There, in the middle of the room was Tori, on the floor, unconscious, with a pool of blood surrounding her head.
"Shit. Leo! Start up my car! She needs professional help."
I tried to lift her up but I couldn't. Because the gash on her head was so big, if I picked her up bridal style, her head would've hung over my arms, causing more blood to escape.
"Damn it!"I kicked the door frame that was beside me.

How the heck am I gonna get her help now?

I just stood there like the worthless piece of shit I am and just watched her, bleeding out. An idea suddenly hit me and I took out my phone. Like how I'm not fond of Cleo right now, I called the person I was second closest to.
"Vaughan! I need your help! Meet me at Tori's."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. You do realize what time it is right?"I could hear shuffling in the background, meaning he definitely wasn't sleeping.
"This is urgent. Please, just come help me."
He let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine. Your lucky that when you, Tori and Leo left the cabin, we left too."
"Thank you. Call me when your here."

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