Bonus # 2

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The food items where all scattered on the kitchen counter. On a pan to the side something resembling gravy was still boiling. The cut vegetables were placed as they were. Stood in front of it all with her hand in her palms was Abeer.

An other jinxed day for cooking. She was so bad at this. The clock was showing exact 6 PM which meant Haseeb would be home anytime now. An other thing for him to make fun off. That joker!

The main door clicked opened making Abeer groan. The footsteps were leading towards the kitchen and soon the voice she so loved but still wasn't in mood hearing now, reached her ears.

"So master chef is again at work."

"Shut up!"

Haseeb roamed his eyes over the mess she had made and controlling his chuckle wasn't possible. Abeer couldn't cook to save the day. Her only field of expertise was Pasta but how many days a week a man could live off that?

He looked at the gravy. It must've been something else but now wasn't looking like that at all. Was it even edible? He dared not asked.

"I suck at this. Where are you even stuck!"

Haseeb smiled pulling her in his arms. Stuck? She wasn't making sense. This was the only good in his life he'd ever know.

"Now now, That's not true. No one can beat you in a pasta making contest."

"Stop making me feel good."

"But you always make me feel good so I thought of returning the favour. Take out?"

Abeer wiped her face and looked at him.


Haseeb stared at her face. Her red nose was making her look cuter than she was. He was whipped. So whipped.

"Since the main course is...errr kind of not possible at the moment? We can at least try with the dessert?"

Abeer knew what he meant. She didn't need any indication to know what he was talking about. Her only response was a full fledged smile.

"You like the idea don't you?"

He whispered pulling her closer. Abeer looked at the way he was shortening the distance between them. This was heaven.

Just before they could get lost in a world of their own to never come back soon, Haseeb's phone had rung making them pull apart immediately. The ringtone was a grave music from a period horror movie. Abeer rolled her eyes like always at the choice of ringtone for the caller.

"Is it weird that whenever I'm about to kiss you, your brother cockblocks without even trying?"

"He's your boss. I don't see why he should not call you."

"But this is limits. Every time I get even one inch closer to you here we have the Hitler hitting me up with his important calls. Can you believe I interrupted his and Noor's romance just once and here I'm. Getting the payback that too tenfold."

"You are such a drama queen, Haseeb! Pick up the call meanwhile I order something."

Abeer turned to go to the living room when Haseeb turned her around and gave her a chaste kiss. Before she could say anything he had pulled away and went to the room to talk to Rayyan.

"Here! Tell me one thing. Do you not know there is a thing called privacy you should give to newly weds?"

There was something else said from the other side.

"What do you mean it has been five months? I'm not going to stop calling us newly married!"

Abeer just stood there smiling. Such a character. But all hers.


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