XXV. hide and seek

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MY HEART POUNDED in my chest when the event coordinator gathered the guests again and announced exciting news was going to be revealed promptly. With Nicolas' hand pressed against my lower back, purposely guiding me away from the ballroom floor, we headed up the three story, gold-accented staircase.

My earpiece crackled to indicate a connection coming through.

Cody's voice amplified through the line. "Where's Nicolas taking you? Didn't he hear the coordinator?"

I smiled as a couple descended the stairs in matching black swan masks, shaking Nicolas' hands. With the man's attention divided, I leaned towards the railing of the stairs and pressed a finger to my ear. "Now's not a good time, Cody. Looks like my hands will be full for the next few minutes."

"How the fuck did you make that leech stick to you so fast?" Osias asked bewilderingly. "Boy swooped in like a seagull."

I shrugged. "I did things."

"What kinds of things?"

I caught myself right before answering our Commander when I felt Nicolas' hand reappear on the arch of my back. The connection cut off as my finger fell back to my sides. I continued ascending the steps with my arm wrapped around my target, secretly stroking up and down his sleeves for the ring.

An elegant lady in a mid-length mauve dress headed down towards us, her natural red hair tied as a low ponytail. She adjusted her side bangs when her eyes landed on me, and she gave me a quick smile of greetings.

That was, until she spotted Nicolas right beside me. Then, her eyes turned demonic.


Nicolas and I both turned our heads to the male voice at the bottom of the stairs. My eyes narrowed seeing Pierce of all people. But the man didn't even spare me a sliver of a glance. As Anastasie descended, with unreadable eyes still fixed on her to-be fiancé, Pierce held out his hand for her to accept.

"Babe, I have something to gi—" Nicolas started, but I tugged firmly on his arm, which confused him greatly.

He gave me a disapproving glare. "What?"

I remained patient with him. "The room you wanted to show me."

"That can wait," He pushed my arm off of him. "Anastasie, wait—"

All of a sudden, Pierce sent him such a look that the rivaling man sucked in his breath. Even I held my breath.

"I have business with her. Like how it'd been before the dance, like how it'll continue to be after," my Commander fabricated. "You didn't seem to care before?"

"Just keep on talking. See how many fucks I give." Nicolas raised his eyebrows.

Anastasie, in the midst of the men fighting over her, glanced over Pierce's shoulders to survey me. Her demeanor completely changed from our first impression. Despite K2 claiming she was an ally, I had a hard time believing him with the obvious death signals she was transmitting my way.

"You know he's my fiancé, right?" She hissed under her breath. "You don't stand a chance."

"Keep it to yourself, no one asked."

Anastasie's face flushed. I kept a calm stance when she snapped her head away. Nicolas and her began engaging in a small argument.

Meanwhile, Pierce and I stood on the sidelines, watching our targets feud. We finally glanced at each other. But the moment was as short as a heartbeat. After that, the man turned his back to me and simply face outwards to the ballroom.

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