Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 4

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Woohoo, I wrote another bit just for you :) 

I hope you like it :D x


Everyone in the class lined up, side by side, as he instructed. We looked like a zoo's complete collection all together at once, the formation spreading across the length of the hall.

The smaller animals in the group were making nervous noises and, against my will, I wanted to protect them. It was silly; most of these people wouldn’t even give me the time of day, but I couldn’t help it. The Alpha instinct I had inherited was there no matter what had happened to dad. I had to push the feeling down and focus on Mr. Ward, who was creeping me out. I didn’t like the way his eyes glinted as he surveyed the line of shifters.

He slowly made his way along the line, taking names and notes as he did. I was shocked that this man – this strange man – was being allowed to know such personal information about all of us. He eventually made his way to me and asked “Name?”

I froze, not sure whether I should reply. He raised an eyebrow at me, then his eyes traveled across me with that same sense of awe and my stomach twisted. I wanted him away from me. ‘Matthews. Alexis Matthews,’ I replied.

A strange kind of knowing sparkled in his eyes. He scribbled something else down with a smile. “Age?”


“Good. Good,” he murmured, moving to question Rose who stood beside me. However this time he added, "Martin, you don't need to worry, I have been informed of your problem. There’s no need for you to take part." Her face fell with utter shame at his harsh words, but her eyes betrayed her with a flicker of relief. She backed out of the line, moved to the wall and slumped to the floor with a thump, tail twitching from side to side.

‘Are you ok?’ I asked, watching her from the corner of my eye.

‘Yeah,’ she replied.

‘The shifting teachers aren’t like this usually,’ I tried to reassure her.

‘It’s fine.’ Her voice sounded choked with unshed tears. She laid her head on her paws and followed Mr. Ward with glistening eyes as he traveled down the line.

Not wanting to push her any further, I withdrew from her mind. There were some things she was willing to share with me, but she didn’t really know me that well. I didn’t expect her spill her every secret already. I turned my eyes away and let her sit quietly.

A moment later Mr. Ward had finished. He paced to the centre of the hall, before spinning on his heel to face us. After studying us all once again, he spoke. "Right,” he called, taking his clipboard under his arm, “Today I've been called to be assess your shifting ability. I'll say the name of an animal and you shift into it. If you can't form that animal, step away from the line. If you're too tired, also leave the line. I'll be marking each of your ability as we go along. Got it?" A ripple of nods traveled the line. “Good.”

Before I could even stretch he was ready. "Horse," Mr. Ward barked. The form flashed in my mind. I pushed out my legs, feeling the bones grow and shrink and rearrange themselves, as I grew taller. My claws tingled as they merged in hooves, my skull lengthened and grew, my skin rippled as it stretched over new bones.

Mr. Ward’s eyes flickered across us as similar noises emanated from around the room. He smiled and scribbled on his clipboard. "Cat," he called a second later. Once again I focused on the animal and squeezed in my body, forcing myself into its form. Once again his pen scratched across the page.

Tiger, Tigerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें