Chapter 2

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Mabel was in a trance

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Mabel was in a trance. She kept walking towards the woods, without even realising. She was oblivious to what was going on around her. She had completely forgotten her brothers' instructions.

The leaves in the woods rustled as a strong gust of wind passed by, causing her to shiver. That was when she finally broke out of the trance. She realised that she had been walking for quite some time to have reached the forest. She was in an unknown place, the place being the woods.

She could imagine her brothers panicking over her disappearance. She felt so stupid at the moment. She did not know what came over her, causing her to act so abruptly.  The sun was setting down and she did not know which way to go.  Everything around looked so similar. She could not find her way when everything looked alike.

She was scared for she was in a jungle,  all by herself. Her eyes watered at the thought. Her stupidity had gotten her into the situation. All she wanted to do at the moment was cry in her mother's lap. But,  she was brave. She was her father's little tiger, like he always called her. She would not cry, sitting here. She would go and search her way out. 

With the newfound hope, she started walking in the direction, she supposed she came from. She had no choice but to follow her instinct. She kept on walking for what seemed like an hour, but, she still could not  find the way out. The sun had set and it was starting to grow dark and cold. That was when she heard a loud and fierce growl, which terrified her.

She started running opposite to the direction where the growl came from. She was scared witless,  scared of dying, scared of the pain that her maa, paa and brothers will go through if something happened to her, scared for the dreams that were yet to be fulfilled.

She tried to push her feet to run faster as she heard thumping of feet on the ground. The animal was chasing her. The fact that she was short did not help the situation. She could literally feel her heart in her mouth. Her lungs were failing her, as she tried to take in gulps of oxygen while running. She looked behind to see if the animal was close and that was when she tripped over a bush.

Her eyes watered at the excruciating pain she felt in her ankle and the bump on her forehead ached no less. She tried to push her body to stand, but the very next moment, she found herself on the ground again. She could sense the animal getting closer and the very next second it was in front of her. A black wolf, taller than her own self was staring at her. She could not help but crawl far from it. The very next second, she heard the wolf growl. This time, she pushed herself to stand up and she succeeded too, despite her aching ankle. She tried moving but, the wolf was now standing very close to her. That scared her out of her wits.  She screamed and tried to back way but the wolf would not let her. The wolf brought its mouth closer to her face and she started crying harder,  thinking that it was planning to eat her up. But then, unexpectedly, it backed away a little. She moved a little backwards until her back touched the trunk of a tree.

She had never imagined to be stuck in such a situation. With her childhood sickness, her family was overprotective over her and would never leave her alone. But now, she was all alone, with nobody by her side.

Her tears wouldn't stop pouring as she felt the wolf watch her every movement like a hawk. The wolf's jet black eyes penetrated through her. The wolf slowly got closer to her. Its steps were calculated and firm. To her surprise, instead of trying to cause her any harm, it laid down in front her. This caused her to relax for once. Neither she, nor the wolf made any movement for a while. When she felt that the wolf would not hurt her, she sat down and touched the wolf's head and ran her fingers in its fur. The wolf started purring, much to her surprise. Slowly, the exhaustion took over her body and she drifted off into a sleep.

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