Just Michael and I

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My friend gave me a fear of spray on deodorant, fucking bastard.

I bought him ice cream.

I shove my sleeve down, and start crying 'It doesn't matter!' I yell, 'It doesn't matter! No one cares, anyway. Gosh, I should've killed myself that day when you . . . W-when you . . .'I start violently shaking. Hot tears rain down my face, and I find myself unable to form sentences.

I notice Michael panic, he bit his trembling lips. And baby tears rolled down his face, 'J-Jeremy, I'm so so-sorry . .!' He pulled me into a tight, shaking embrace. 'Jeremy-y, I'm so s-sorry! I'm sorry, I-I thought I wasn't good enough for y-you!' I grip his back, my tears whipped away from Michaels shoulder.

I pull away, and grip at the collar of his shirt. 'S-Shut up! You are good e-enough, you're. . .y-you're . .' I lean in, and rest my forehead on his. I breath, 'you're perfect.'

Both of us are broken vases, we are shattered, cracked, crushed, damaged. But these vases could be beautiful again, they just needed to be carefully fixed. They could fix these broken vases like a puzzle, but all they needed were a couple of pieces first.

We stayed like that until time itself stopped, and all I could feel was the cut of Michaels fingernails into the hoodie, as he pulled back, I felt the heat of his gaze as it swept my face. A tear streaked out of the corner of my eye, and Michael let go of one of my shoulders to wipe it away. He did it so softly that I wondered if I had imagined it, or if it had been the air. He leaned forward, 'I'm sorry, Jeremy.' his whisper was so close that his words fell onto my lips. And that was when he connected them.

Neither of us knew how to kiss. We both turned in one direction, then the other, until finally we came together in a quiet sigh. Heat funneled up through me, burning my fingertips where I touched and gripped at Michaels shoulders. I am certain that I would leave marks, but hopefully later he would leave his own all over my neck. Like I thought he would, a couple months before. I opened my mouth to him, and when his tongue touched mine, I just became more helpless.

I moved first, or maybe Michael did, but then he ran his hands under the hoodie, and started running his hands up and down my sides. At this point, I found my fingers lost in his hair, and pulling away for air. We panted, staring at each other with half closed eyes. We were speechless again, and all we did was stare at each other's eyes.

His dark brown eyes drilled into mine, I couldn't help but think - I'd never seen such dark brown eyes that were almost as dark as the nights sky, a night with a few shining stars speckled here and there like my freckles.

My brains stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more of his soft gaze, a gaze I love. His gaze makes every part of me go on pause, all of me doesn't know what to say, or do next. It's all just explosions in my mind, and probably on my face too, and by that I mean blush. I gulp, and bite my lip.

He breaths a soft warm smile, 'Let's go home.' He has a lovestruck smile, and I see his eyes shine more then I expected. I, of course, nod frantically as he takes my hand and leads us to our feet. He takes us away from the party, away from the drunk teenagers and the couples hooking up.

I see Rich and Jake, Rich had walked away frantically while Jake frowned. It seems he isn't upset because the two aren't hooking up, he just seems to be upset that Rich is leaving his side.

Michael leads me to the outside, his hand intertwined with me. I smile, knowing I have Michael back. My Michael. He leads me to his PT cruiser, and opens the door for me. And I happily get in, we drive off. With me wondering - what does this make us now?

I look at Michael, taking is focused gaze at the road. Though, I swear, he still had that shine in them that screamed 'I'm in love!' The ice in my blue eyes seemed to melt, and shine like Michaels. We drive for awhile, in some unfortunate silence. We don't know what to say, but the atmosphere was still like it was before. Nice and calm, but filled with mystery. What would I say to Michael? What would Michael say to me? What would happen?

Michael parked outside his house, it was nice to see it again. Michael walked out of the car and I did the same, he walked over and shut the door. 'Home sweet home.' I breath, grasped my hands at my chest, smiling as the moon turns white and turned us into ghosts. He chuckles and locked the car, but when he turned, he paused to stare at me.

I look at him and smile, 'Something wrong?' I cock a brow as he is speechless, he blushes and I don't understand why. He catches himself, and smiles softly.

He walks to my side. He grabs his hand and walks us to the door, he stops when I'm in front of door and says 'You're just so . .' He smiled, 'perfect.' He leaned in and gave me a small peck on the lips and pulled back to stare at me lovingly.

I pulled him closer, and quickly reconnect our lips. Michael kissed hungrily, bumping us against the door. And doing so to every wall until we danced our way to his basement. I fell against the bed, our kiss was more of a hungry, desperate make out session now, he had me pinned, and the moon danced on our bodies once we stripped. Michaels tongue traced the bend of my jaw, and the sweetest of spots on my neck. And his hands, oh god, his hands didn't know where to be. They couldn't choose between my face, or my thighs. But for now, they planned to stay on my thighs. I clutched my eyes close, dazed by the image of his body over mine. But I quickly opened them when Michael pressed his lips to my stomach, 'Beautiful.' He whispered.

Michael cradled my face in his hands and kissed my lips so honestly, I thought I would shatter. This moment between us made me understand why we longed to eachother, I see now that I am what kept him living. He told me this ages ago, and I didn't understand that he was what took away my flaws. We kept eachother living, and without eachother, we were broken vases. I wrapped my arms around his neck, surprised by the tears that leaked from the edges of my eyes. I turn my head, and look to the closed window, that held the image of the sweet mix of Michael and myself.

I was drifting off to sleep, when Michaels voice slipped over me. 'I love you, Jeremy.' He whispered, placing his glasses on the bedside table and laying down. 'Oh?' I said, smiling. I drew his arm around me, as he pulled the covers over us. Covers that I had pulled at helplessly, covers that threatened to be ripped at any moment because of me. 'What does that make me to you?' I ask.

I felt Michaels peace curl against me like a benediction, a blessing. He pulled me into his chest, into a place where I just fit perfectly. 'Mine.' He whispered, leaving a butterfly kiss on my forehead as I giggled. 'So, your boyfriend?' I ask, pulling him closer. He smiles and yawns.

'Of course.'

Yeah . . . If you couldn't tell they uh . . .

I just didn't want to describe it that much, since it really isn't the focus of the story, and stuff like that. Hope you guys are okay with that!

'Best friend, Michael' BOYF RIENDS AUWhere stories live. Discover now