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We head out and find the tunnel to the sanatorium. Sam is all too eager to get out of the tunnel and to Mike and honestly I don't blame her. But since Chris had gotten hurt when he went out to get Josh, we aren't moving as fast as we could, which is causing Sam to get stressed as we press on.

"Come on, guys!" Sam calls out from ahead of us, "Hurry up! We gotta find Mike. Come on."

"Hey... Ahhh..." Chris limps behind, "I'm kinda gimping out here, guys... I think maybe you should go on without me."

Ashley walks over to Chris, "Oh God, Chris. Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, yeah! Just go on... I can't keep up with you macho ladies."

"Oh God Chris, just stop it okay?"

"Listen... just go on ahead, okay? You gotta warn Mike. I'll be right behind you... I'm just gonna take a breather." Chris leans against a wall.

"Alright..." Ashley nods.

I stop with Chris and Ashley, "We're not leaving you. That's got bad 80's movie written all over it."

I hear Sam try to get a door open, "Oh shit. Mike must have locked it behind him. CRAP! There's gotta be another way in."

I look around and find a manhole. "Well, it may not be the greatest plan, I think it's our only way."

Ashley looks over to me, "should we try it?"

"Well it's not like we got a whole lot of choices here..." I grab a pipe and use it to open the manhole covering. Sam and I move it to the side.

Ashley sighs, "Okay... ugh! Okay this is the last place I'd wanna be in right now."

I look around, "So who's going first?" As I turn to Ashley she laughs.

When I turn to Emily, she shakes her head, "After you."

"Alright, alright." I nod. I climb down the ladder in the manhole. "Not so bad."

"You think this is the tunnel to the Sanatorium?" Sam calls down to me.

"Of course it is. Where else would it go?"

Sam comes down after me, followed by Emily, then Chris, then Ashley. Before she climbs down all the way Ashley stops, "Hey... um... we should close this, right? I mean what if something's following us?"

"Yes, fine." Sam rolls her eyes, "Close it. But we gotta keep moving. Can you just catch up? Please?"

"I'll stay with her. You guys go ahead." Chris looks to us.

I sigh, "That's not a bad idea. Be careful. If you hear something that sounds like one of us, make sure you see us before you do anything."

Ashley and Chris nod before Emily, Sam, and I head down the tunnel. As we continue on Sam turns back to me, "What did you mean when you told them to see us before they came for us."

"Wendigos can mimic voices. So I'd hate for them to think we're in trouble and die trying to save us."

"What if we really are in trouble?" Emily shutters behind me.

"We aren't right now. Let's keep it that way." As we continue to walk we come to a rock wall. "Great."

Sam looks over to me, "Remember climbing last summer?"

Emily looks between us like we are crazy, "are you serious?!"

"We have no other way," I turn to Emily, "so get back to Ashley and Chris, then go back to the lodge."

"Uh... shouldn't we stick together?! Elena!"

"what happened to splitting up being like a bad 80's movie?" Sam smiles.

"Someone has to go get Mike," I shake my head.

"Why don't you go get Mike and I'll go with Emily to get the others." Sam turns to me, "If I can, I'll catch up with you. If not I'll go back to the lodge."

"Instead of running around the mines, why don't you just go to the lodge with the others."

Sam nods, "yeah, alright. Be careful please. I'd like to have my roommate back after all this."

I smile as Sam and I hug, "I'll be fine."

I wait a moment watching Sam and Emily leave, before I start to climb. I leap and set each of my feet on a rock. Before jumping to a wood board, even though part of it breaks, I hold on. "Come on..." I find a nearby rock to put my foot on and grab a broken structure, before jumping to the ledge. Finally, I reach the top. "I beat you." I chuckle. I start to walk around and find a hole in a wall. When I look inside I can see a metal door, "uh... okay then." As I continue to look around I find a ledge I can get down to what looks like a lake. I drop down and walk down a dark path. "Hello?" I reach a bend and find a gate. I turn to open it but I can't get it open.  When I turn I see a shove beside me. I grab the shove and try to open the gate with it. "Come on..." The gate comes open and I walk to the metal door. I put the shove down when I get to the door, pulling with both hands to get it open and grabbing the shove again before walking through. When I walk up to the metal door Mike comes through. Trying to close the door but is tackled by a Wendigo. "Hey! Over here!"

I hit the Wendigo with the shove and knock it's head off.  Mike looks over to me."How did you get here anyway?"

"The sewer system that connects all this." I stand and take a few deep breaths.

"Whoa. you alright?"

"Uh, define alright."

"Alive for a start. Let's find a way down to where this fucker lives."

Monsters in the Mines: Josh Washington (Until Dawn)Where stories live. Discover now