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Losing the future they had dreamed together

was as hard as losing the past


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Orion asked me one time to describe Vincent.

I couldn't.

I couldn't describe him, because I didn't know Vincent.

I didn't understand him.

But there was something I understood, that Orion would never understand.

A bond.

A connection.

Can blood connect someone?

Maybe since that day, Vincent and I had always had a connection- something forged of pain and hatred.

Something that we tried to ignore but couldn't forget.

I can't explain it to Orion, or Grandma, or Grandjay.

Not Bram or Rex.

Leo. If Leo was here he would understand.

He would maybe be outside with me.

He would have met me in the dark, a knowing look passing between us as we both set off into the woods.

Something we couldn't explain, but knew. Instinct? Was it something with our wolfs?

I'm not sure.

Orion doesn't move. I look down at the crib, taking in Tala's sleeping form.

Orion doesn't move now, but I knew his eyes would be open the moment she was awake.

I walk out of the bedroom.

Down the stairs.

Out the door.

The night is clear.

There are no clouds in the sky- just a vastness of stars and darkness that light up my vision as I stand before it, engulfed in the night.

I walk forward.

Why was I out here?

I pause to look back at the house.

And then a flash of pain along my spine happens. I shiver, a knowing feeling rising within me.

I knew why I was here.

I continue walking.

Did anyone see?

I felt weightless.

Like a ghost floating and part of the moon herself.

There were guards, but they were along the board.

The security was not perfect.

I knew where the weak spot was.

And I knew he would also.

How did I know?

Maybe if Leo was here, I wouldn't feel so crazy with this urge.

I continue walking, the darkness swallowing me whole.

Was this wise?

I stop again, my unease growing as the woods closed in on me.

No. This wasn't wise.

Maybe it was because of the recent period of bliss in my life. Most would be scared of having such a happiness taken away from them, but my mind seemed numb to that thought. I only felt gratitude that I was able to experience such a thing for so long.

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