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Vulcan ushered Sam into the weapons room and listened as the FBI agent whistled. 

"Wow!" He said. "I know small country's that don't have this much fire power. I'm not gonna ask if it's all legal." 

"Good, it's best if you don't. Most is, but there are a few things that were given to us for doing favors for families of women, and we don't have purchase documents for them." Vulcan stated in a hard voice, discouraging continued conversation about how the weapons were procured.

Vulcan took Samantha over to the wall that held all of the handguns. "Pick one Sam. You know what you are going to need."

Samantha looked over the choices carefully and decided on three things; she choose a Kahr p380, a diamondback db380, and a Smith and Wesson HRT boot knife. When she was finished she turned to Vulcan and said, "Alright, I'm armed. Now what?"

"The next part of the plan is easy. You go to him and beg for Drake's release. You are not just bait, you are a distraction. He'll be so pleased to think that he has power over Drake with you in his hands that his ego won't let him realize what is really going on. Do you think you can handle him, Sam? He's not a big or muscular man. He's a skinny little weakling who might weigh 150 lbs drenched." 

Sam looked at the man who was fast becoming a trusted friend and adviser, in the eye. "I can. As long as we are alone. But I think I can handle that. I'll need some special clothes. I need my girls. I know my part of the plan, I just need you to tell me only what I need to know. Just in case. The less I know, the better." Vulcan nodded his head in agreement and let Samantha leave the room in search of the clothing that she needed.

Turning, he faced Bill, Tom and Special Agent Howell. Tom, I know you have your piece from the department, but I don't want you to use it. It's too traceable. Pick what you want from this room. Bill, make sure you grab the C-4 and grenades. Howell, the same thing I said about Tom's piece applies to yours, as well. Doubly so."

The agent looked at him and asked what are you taking. Vulcan didn't reply to the man. He just walked over to the table in the center of the room and picked up the .50 caliber on it and slung it on his back and then turned and picked up a .357 and a knife similar to the one Sam had chosen. Howell whistled at the choices of all of the men. 

"Make sure you take at least three clips for each weapon. We can't afford to get caught without enough ammo." Bill said to everyone in general.

Vulcan, Bill, Tom and Howell were met at the front door of the club house by a very differently dressed Samantha. Some of the members laughed when Bill reached over and used a finger under his chin to shut Howell's mouth. Then, just for fun, he threw in a comment. "Catching flies, dude."

Sam was dressed very sexy. She wore a top with a plunging neckline and a bra that pushed her breasts up and together. Her leather skirt was short to show off her shapely legs to their best advantage, and her hair had been teased to resemble the "I just had the best sex of my life"look. On her feet were calf length boots, which she had concealed her knife in. Her makeup as well was done with purpose. She had a sleepy eyed looked that was sexy, yet natural. Her lips were outlined with a pout that also looked natural, but made you think indecent things and made you want to do indecent things with that mouth. "Someone better take a picture, because I'll probably never dress like this again." Some of the men groaned their disappointment. Members laughed at the reaction of the single guys. Women snickered.

"Hold still Bestie. Drake sees this and he's gonna want you to dress like this for him. I hope you realize just how high you set the bar for us other girls. Our men are going to expect us to look like this now." Lucy said, in a laughing voice.

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