Wattpad Original
There are 8 more free parts

Wattpad Originals

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This story has been chosen to be a part of Wattpad Originals' for a period of time.  This program allows writers to benefit financially from their hard work. For you as the reader, this means that there will be several free chapters available to read before a certain point is hit that requires coins to continue. For this story, there are eight free chapters with the rest requiring the purchase of coins. 

I know this is a less than ideal situation for some. Right now you might be saying, "Yo Joy, I'm so broke I had to sell my kidney" and others may be wishing they had a kidney to sell. To those who are complaining these complaints, I would like you to know that I too was contemplating selling my kidney- but then an angel came in the form of Wattpad Originals.  

In all seriousness though, there is an amazing feeling in having your hard work rewarded. I want to thank everyone who is reading this (whether you chose to continue or not). Take this happy note with you that all my other stories are free, and only 'A Crown of Bones' is a part of this program. 

So, whether you chose to click to the next chapter or not, I would still like to say that you (yes YOU) are amazing, beautiful, and hopefully in possession of both your kidneys. 

Have a nice day my loves! 

A Crown of BonesWhere stories live. Discover now