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Today started rather awkwardly. To be more accurate it started peacefully, soundlessly, even comfortably. I could feel Nate's arm around me, keeping me against his chest and his even breathing lulling me. I felt safer than anywhere else in the world and it allowed me to relax, which I hadn't been able to do for a really long time.

Needless to say I was in heaven.

Until Jared showed up unannounced. The man was carrying two cups of what smelt like fresh coffee, seeping from one. I heard him spit it all over more than I saw it, but when I turned around and came across his shocked expression, hands tightly closed around the mugs, jaw ajar, eyes bigger than saucers, his whole body frozen mid-step I froze too. It didn't help that Nate was still calmly sleeping, one of his legs over mines.

Which brings us to now as we are silently observing each other. I look the beta dead in the eye and he looks back at me. I can see his mind working rapidly to process the situation but he seems to have some difficulty with it. He starts stepping backwards his eyes glaring at me reproachfully, puts the other mug on top of a table next to the door, his expression becoming more stern by the second. He really is trying to appear unaffected by this but the twitch of his jaw and the frown on his face show how much he wants to shout. Apparently at me which is kind of unbelievable. I mean, this situation didn't happen because of me, at least not entirely. No. You know what, this is all Nate's fault. He lured me in his bed, sweet talked me about the fact that he sleeps better with me. I can't be held accountable for this. I refuse to be. I sigh quietly as he is still looking suspiciously at me and lift two fingers to ask him to give me two minutes and I'll be right outside to explain myself.

Again, why the hell am I the one that needs to explain this ?

He nods curtly and closes the door behind him.

You're kind of quiet.


Are you freaking laughing at me right now ?!

'BWA AH AH AH AH' My wolf bursts out laughing as though it cant contain its amusement anymore.

I can't believe it.

'I mean, this is hilarious. Did you see his face ?' It chuckles.

I could have used some help. I grumble.

'Nah, you don't need my help to make a fool of yourself.'

And what am I supposed to tell him now ?

'I can't wait to hear how you try to justify your shameful behaviour.'

WOW. You were the first to insist we sleep in the same bed and now I am shameful.

'Hey, if it were up to me you wouldn't be wearing anything right now. And I have a feeling your alpha would agree with me.'

I cautiously get away from the said 'alpha', trying my hardest not to wake him up. It's already weird enough as it is, I don't need him to shrug the problem off with a smug smile on his face. I get dressed quickly and flee the room without a sound to find Jared waiting, his arms crossed over his chest, his back against the wall and his foot tapping a frantic rhythm on the the ground.

"Look." I start.

"Not here." He cuts me and starts to walk away.

Remind me again why he's still alive ?

'Because we like him. He's not a bad beta.'

Are you sure ?

The Sun is already high up in the sky as I follow him in silence, trying to organize my sound arguments.

When the Sun meets the MoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ