Chapter 21

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"Hey, Wake up! I need you to wake up!" A set of hands forcefully shook my shoulders while someone else patted my cheek drawing me from my heavy dreamless slumber. I struggled to peel my eyes open, everyone's faces were blurry, but I could sense all eyes on me. 

" Guys! She's not dead! Look, she's awake! "  A blond woman cradling my head in her lap shouted to her friends. She gently brushed my wet hair aside and whispered something to me in a hushed tone, her blue eyes were full of worry and panic. 

Pain pulsated violently through my skull, colorful spots swelled and fizzled before my eyes. A chill set over me, gnawing deep into my bones. Every movement I made caused me to shiver and ache. I know it's the dead of summer and we're in Texas but I still felt like a popsicle in the back of the van.

" Help..." was all I could muster out.

"Okay, okay, we're getting you some help, but you have to keep your eyes open, alright?" Said the same man who helped me in the car when they first found me.

I slightly nodded my head in reply, my headache wouldn't allow for more. " I'm so cold..." I whispered, my teeth chattering. 

They chatted amongst themselves, but my thoughts were too focused on managing the pain to listen to their conversation. Eventually one of them presented a blanket to drape over my shivering body.

"What happened to you?" Another guy with mocha skin and thick-rimmed glasses perched on his nose asked. He stared at me intently, obviously fascinated by my state.

Hard as I tried, I couldn't get my lips to move so instead I chose to look away and not answer his question. Besides, the story was way too long and way too gruesome to get into now. The man in the bloody white t-shirt, the one who saved me, pushed his friend aside with a huff and pulled the quilt up to my chin. 

"I'm Taylor and these are my friends..." He proceeded to list off each of the passengers' names, I think there was four of them in total but I was too out of it to remember any of their names. "Can you tell me yours?"

", I'm Ma-Matilda...Hale."

"Holy crap!"  Glasses guy gasped.  Taylor glanced over to him and mouthed something resembling 'What?'

"Dude, that's her, she's the missing girl on the news! Her and her boyfriend have been gone for the past five months!" He leaned in closer. "Where is he, your boyfriend?"

 "He'" Tears started to stream again; I was unable to hold them back any longer. Five months? Has it really been that long?

"It's okay, you don't have to answer that" Taylor reassured, petting my face than giving his friend the stink eye.

"What!" He held his hands up defensively. " I just wanted to know if he's dead or not! If he isn't we can send the police to look for him."

"Would you shut up! Can't you see she's-" 

"Guys look, there's the gas station!" The driver interrupted. "And it looks like they're still open" He pointed to a neon light up sign that read ' We're open' propped in the window.

"Praise God!" The blond woman rejoiced as the car drove up beside the worn down shack.  She poked her head out the window, squinting her eyes and read the sign aloud to everyone "Last Chance Gas Station. We Slaughter Barbecue."

Our car rolled up before the storefront, parking beside the old rusty pumps. Everyone, aside from Taylor surged towards the door, pulling it open, climbing out. and intending to leave me alone in the back.

"No! Don't leave me, please!" I cried, digging my fingers into Taylor's arm before he could go.

"Don't worry, we're just gonna go inside and call the police. You need an ambulance."

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