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chapter twenty six
florence thompson
song: push - matchbox twenty

Seven came quicker than I'd been anticipating between the slow traffic through the diner and insufferable knock knock jokes Ben was throwing out every few minutes.

Punctual as ever, Vincent was waiting outside for me, leaning against his expensive car with his phone in hand. Rico to my left gaped dramatically at him and his vehicle, causing me to roll my eyes and nudge him harshly with my elbow.

Ben was already departing, about to head towards his car.

"Goodnight, Flo. Be safe," he mumbled the last part next to my ear after pressing a swift kiss to my cheek.

I smiled in return to him as he turned and started towards his car, shoving his hands into his varsity jacket and looking both ways through the parking lot before jogging across the space. I watched him slip into the darkness of the night, a sad smile etched on my lips.

"Ready to go, Florence?" Vincent asked, pulling my attention back over to where he was easily leaned against his car still.

"Yeah, of course." I nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear and turning to face Rico who quickly enveloped me in a bone crushing hug, placing a big smooch on my cheek making me laugh loudly.

"Goodnight, chica," Rico grinned as he released me and I headed towards the passenger side of Vincent's car.

"Goodnight, chico," I replied playfully, tugging the door open and winking at him before sliding into the car.

Vincent followed suit as Rico started towards his car in the night, hitting his remote in his hand to unlock the doors, the lights of his car flashing.

"Friends?" Vincent asked as he shifted the car into reverse, pulling the futuristic vehicle out of the parking space and heading towards the main street.

His tone was tense, his gaze never meeting mine. I furrowed my brows at his sudden change of attitude compared to earlier when he'd dropped me off.

"Yeah, I went to school with Rico and Ben. They're two of my best friends," I spoke truthfully, figuring I had nothing to hide. After all they are my best friends.

He nodded wordlessly, turning onto the main road and heading in the opposite direction of my apartment complex.

"Your car is done. It was your starter, they replaced it," he spoke, concentrating on the road as one of his hands rested on the steering wheel while the other sat on the gear shift between us.

"Oh, alright," I said, mildly confused. "Thank you for your help today, and for giving me rides. It means a lot to me, really," I admitted, glancing over to him as he didn't break his concentration.

"You're welcome."

The rest of the ride was filled with complete and utter uncomfortable silence that was suffocating.

We finally pulled up to the garage and I've never felt more relieved to get out of a car than in that moment. I quickly exited the vehicle, making no move to wait for him as I entered the shop.

I began talking with the gentleman at the front desk who told me the final price of everything that went into fixing up my car. I pulled my card out, ready to hand it to him when a hand reached out from beside my head, trying to hand over a black credit card.

I followed the hand to the owner only to find a very bored Vincent.

I shoved his hand away before the man could grab it and instead shoved my card maybe a little too forcefully over the counter. The man glanced at us warily before running my card and handing it back to me. I signed the receipt before saying goodbye and heading out the front door all without acknowledging Vincent behind me.

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