A Rogue Imprint (Seth Clearwater Fanfic)

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Ok guys! So I have been weighing whether or not to do another fan fiction for a Twilight character. I posed the question to you and I got a response about doing one for Seth!! Exciting, I know :) Thank you to those that gave me some input. 

^^All the characters from the Twilight series are the property of Stephanie Meyer. I own nothing but my original characters^^

Enjoy the story!!



         I used to be a normal. I was born a shifter which may seem strange to you but for me, it was the way my life was. I’d say being human is strange. I was the only child for my parents. My father was Alpha of our pack which meant one day, when the time came, I would take over the pack. Either when I was eighteen or when I found my imprint.


        Up until I was six, everything ran smoothly. I made friends within the pack. I went to school with the others. The school had humans attending it as well so it was imperative to keep our secret just that…a secret. I had everything my heart desired and I was happy. That was until Christmas of my sixth year.

            The whole pack had had a huge Christmas earlier in the day. Everyone was invited. The only requirement was that you brought food with you. My father didn’t my mom cooking for days in order to feed everyone in the pack.


             That night, everyone was with their families in their own homes. My house was located in the dead center of the territory. We didn’t have too many pack members so each pack house was only a five minute run to our house.            


              I remember the sights and smells in our house that night. The Christmas tree was in the far corner of the living room, all decorated with ornaments, lights and a few strings of popcorn because dad had accidently eaten some of them. There were a stack of multi-colored presents on the floor around the tree. A fire was going in the fireplace that made the whole house smell of the sweet cider logs that were burning.


             While I was sitting next to the tree, ready to tear into the presents that had my name on them, my parents were planted on the couch across from me. My dad had his arm rested on the back of the couch and my mom was leaning into him. They were always loving towards each other. Secret kisses when they thought I wasn’t looking. Whispering in each other’s ears. Dad wrapping his arms around my mom from behind as she cooked. It was the way I wanted my imprinting to be. So full of love and affection.


            It had been right after my mom told me to start opening presents that everything went to hell. I was tearing the candy cane wrapper of what I sure was the new CD I had been begging for when the door burst open revealing Danny, my dad’s Beta.


            My dad stood up and the smile that had adorned his face moments prior was completely gone. He was in full Alpha mode in a matter of seconds. Mom came to my side on the floor, the half-open present stilled in my hands. “What is it Danny?” my dad asked sternly.


            “It’s the Stark pack, sir. Their attacking the houses,” he replied immediately, regaining his composure. I saw my dad’s muscles tense. He turned his head and looked at us. He didn’t say anything. His eyes softened momentarily before he was out the door with Danny on his heels.

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