Chapter 13

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I looked around only to  be shocked by the small group that's gathered.

"Oni-san why is there so little people here?" I asked.

"Oh, only the nobles and royals gets a free pass into the academy, others will have to pass a test." I nodded, status discrimination is real yo. My eyes then traveled through the crowd to find a familiar face.

"Sakura!" I called once I saw her lush green hair and golden eyes. Hearing her name being called she looked up and finding the source of the call she smiled and waved, then she started maneuvering through the crowd.

"Yuki!" She cried and opened her arms to give me a death hug.

"Can't breathe." I muttered. Brother went up to Sakura and tried prying her off me.

"Sorry, Sorry." She said sheepishly. Da heck? How'd her personality change so much. First she was cold, them polite, and now? She's like the real Sakura! Cheerful and easy-going! "And this was always my personality, it's just that I'm not comfy around strangers." Da heck? Is she a mind reader? "And no, I'm not a mind reader. Your face is way too obvious." Wahhhhhhh! A mind reader!

I thought I saw Sakura pacepalm alongside with brother, but they wouldn't!

SNAP! My thoughts were interrupted by someone snapping their fingers. The mass as one turned their heads, kinda pissed they were interrupted while they were talking. But that anger quelled immediately when they saw who it was.

"Kya! It's the student council president!"

"My gawd, he's so hot."

"My idol!"

"My god!" Voices of the female population whole the island. I leaned towards my brother.

"Oni-San who is he?" I asked. 

"He's the student council president, Haruka Sato, the prince of the white tiger clan."

Prince... of.... the.... white.... tiger.... clan? A capture target? Noooooooooooooo, my death is closer. My grip on the fan tightened, and unknowningly I fed my fan some magic. My eyes changed colors, my kimono changed colors, and my fan changed colors. All into an icy blue. The nobles shivered as they felt a cold breeze, they froze, as if the winds had blew through their souls. The royalties however looked unaffected.

"Yuki, you okay?" My brother asked worriedly. Sakura just stood there, looking on without an expression.

"Yea, sorry just don't feel alright.." of course I don't feel alright, who would if they saw someone who could be their potential killer? I looked at the area where the student council were. I bowed down a bit, my kimono, eyes, and fan returned to its original color. "My apologies," I said. The 10 people stood there silently before nodding. Then they turned back to the crowd.

"We are the student council members." One of the five males said. He was Kaito Kondo, my cousin. "Today you have all been invited to enroll in the academy. If you have any questions feel free to ask." And they stopped talking. The crowd bursted into an applause.

N-no way.... that's it? No long speech, no boring speech, in fact there was no speech! Crap I would so like the student council if it weren't for the fact that some of those people are gonna kill me.

"Ummm, I have a question!" One girl raised her hand. Kaito, who previously spoke nodded to her. Indicating that she may ask. "D-does Haruka-kun have a girlfriend?" She asked with a red face. The female population looked at the members with a hopeful face.

"Pft!" I accidentally let a small laugh, hey don't blame me, that is absolutely hilarious. I received the glares of the entire female population, but brother and Sakura glared back with a glare that was 100x more terrifying.

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