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Today is a new day for me it's the first day of middle school I have been waiting to start a new life. Because I was bullied in elementary because of my eyes, just because their color. Also because I have a scar on my right eye so.

I'm blind in my right eye to be honest  I'm scared but at least I have my friend Derrick. He's always their for me and he is my first ever friend. You see when I was little I used to be abused by my father and mother  because I was a disgrace to my family. Because I had cancer but I survived it I continued to be strong even though it was hard for me at that time but like .

My grandma said, "Be strong my beautiful princess.," I loved my grandma but one year later she was murder still now we can not find the killer. Next thing you know a gang attack my family and I was the only one that escaped then I felt something dark inside my body. That I got goosebumps I was MAD that I thought to myself " W-why , why can't I just die already.," Then I saw a light in the sky that light was a star that star was so bright that it stand out BOLD in the sky. Then I realized that maybe I was mean to stand out to. But that was  three years ago so I decided to prove to the world that I am a strong girl that was bold.

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