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Disclaimer: This is part of an original work of fiction. It belongs to me- the characters, their lives- everything. Don't steal it. Thanks. Enjoy.


"Wednesday," I mutter to myself, pulling my cache of tea down from its home shelf. "What tea do we drink on Wednesday?"

It's a good question.  Today is an important day, so I know I have to start it off with a good tea.

Verbena. That's clearly the only answer.

It's 6:30a.m., and though I know she'll kill me for it, I decide to wake Emily up just a little bit early today. I'm excited- it's not every day that I get to see my girlfriend play an actual game of baseball.

I practically skip over across our adjoining yards to go wake her up, though I'm careful not to spill the already brewing hot liquid. I don't bother to knock on the door of the house- Mr. and Mrs. Tate are already awake and getting ready for their days, and they smile as they see me walk in.

"Good morning, all!" I say to them. "Don't mind me, just your basic knight in shining armor coming to wake your slumbering maiden."

"Ah, and how do you think you're going to do that?" asks Mr. Tate.

"With a magical infusion of water and Verbena leaves, how else?" I say, holding up the two mugs. "And if that endeavor fails, I may venture forth with a small kiss."

He rolls his eyes and continues to tie his tie, and I walk quietly into Emily's room.

She's still asleep, sprawled all over the bed, with her covers wrapped around her arms and legs- she tosses a lot in her sleep. She's frowning at her dream, her eyebrows drawn together in protest of some imaginary opposition. She bites her lip and turns her head slowly.

I gently set the mugs of tea on the short bookcase by her bed, and slowly lean in to her face. I only plant the beginning of a small kiss on her lips before she leaps to life in surprise, clonking me over the head.

"What the Hell?" I say, rubbing the back of my head as she laughs, realizing what she's done. "Excuse me, Terminator Ginger, could you please direct me to my girlfriend's room? She's got hair like yours, but she's a whole lot nicer."

"Oh, shut up, Aug," she says, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and pulling me on top of her on the bed for a kiss.


"Oh, man," I groan, pulling away from her. "Terminator Ginger, my girlfriend better not find out about this."

She laughs, and then groans as well as she checks the clock sitting beside our tea.

"August, it's 6:45. What are you doing?"

"I was excited for my girlfriend's first baseball game, so I decided to wake her up a little early," I sigh. "But now I think I'm just going to stay here in bed."

"Oh, well, if you must stay," she says, pecking me on the lips.

"I must, I must," I say, quoting the movie Blazing Saddles in between kisses.

"Is that tea you brought me?" she asks, looking pointedly at the mugs next to her clock.

"Nah, it's coffee."

She stares for a moment, looking distinctly unamused.



With all the trouble I'm having focusing right now, a person would almost think I was lying in bed with an incredibly beautiful girl or something of the sort.

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