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My entire body was aching, I could hear distant voices but I was too exhausted to open my eyes. But the voices got louder and I groggily opened my eyes.


I look over to see Jude sitting by my bed, "urghh" is all I manage to let out as I let my eyes adjust to the light. 

"It's okay, you're okay." He hums. 

"What happened Jude?" 

"We're not sure, that Harry guy just evaporated into thin air. You were so drained after you went against him. Venus has been sent to a prison, and the teachers were interrogating me for a few days. They know everything." 

"Uh wow." I say as I try to process everything. 

"Sorry I just loaded all of that on you." 

"How long have I been asleep?" 

"Three days." Jude replies. 

"Seriously? What's been happening?" 

"They've stopped classes and increased security. We're all on lockdown for a week. Everyone at schools been talking about you, and your powers." Jude said.

"Oh." Is all I say.


I finally take the time to look around me, I'm in a large room with rows of clean white hospital beds. I hadn't even realised that the school had a hospital-type wing. An IV was injected into my arm, and a nurse came up to me. 

"How are you feeling hun?" She asks me. 

"A little sore and dizzy." 

"Okay, on a scale of one to ten how much does it hurt?" 

"Maybe a four." I reply. 

"Okay, I'll give you some ibuprofen but you should be able to get back to school in no time." 

After that, the nurse checks my blood pressure and heart rate as well as removing the IV. She then comes back with food, water and an ibuprofen. Me and Jude have some lunch before the nurse tells him he has to leave to let me rest. 


The next day, I was free to go. When I was walking through the school I could hear everyone whispering about me. In fact, everyone looked scared of me as I walked through the halls. I ignore them and walk straight to Mr Faye's classroom, he was doing some work on his desk but looked up immediately as I walked in. 

"Miss me?" 

He scrunched up his eyebrows and gave me a funny look, "how are you?" 

"Good, I thought you and all the other teachers would be talking to me about that little showdown with Harry." 

"That 'little showdown?' Odette you could have died! The fact that you are alive is amazing, the fact that you were powerful enough to go against Harry is amazing." Mr Faye exclaimed. 

I clicked my tongue, "yeah whatever." 

"I'm serious Odette, you're special! The power you have is unbelievable." 

I nod slowly, "what's going to happen now?" I ask. 

"Well all the students still have a week off due to the whole Venus and Harry dilemma. Principal Murphy is going to want to talk to you, until then I suggest you take the week off to relax." 

"But I'm still going to go to school here right?" I ask. 

"Of course you are! You still need to learn how to control your powers and such." Mr Faye replies. 

"Right, but everyone's scared of me... Well, except for you and Jude but..." 

"Listen to me Odette, people just don't know who you are or what you're capable of. You've just got to show people you're not some power crazy elf." Mr Faye states. 


I finally finished off this chapter! Vote and comment if you liked it!
Another chapter will be up next week so stay tuned! 
Remember to follow me on wattpad and instagram! 

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