SEVENTEEN: Arriving in Monaco

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"Why are we here?" Alyssa asked as they pulled up to the Hotel of Paris in Monaco.

"I have schoolwork I need to do." The girl mumbled.

"You're about the only kid in the world that would rather do homework instead of leaving the country." Tony snorted.

"Why do there have to be so many people." The girl whimpered as the crowd gathered around the small car. Alyssa gulped and slowly unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Well, cause your old man is famous, that's why." Tony said.

Alyssa smirked and looked over towards Pepper who was texting on her phone. She let out an unnecessary cough to get her attention. Happy opened up the door and Alyssa slowly walked out. Pepper quickly left her side and took her place behind Tony. The girl gripped the side of the car as the crowds came in. She went to grab her father's hand when he threw up peace signs. Alyssa rolled her eyes.

Oh no.

She should have saw it coming. I mean, the signs were all there. It took only a second when Alyssa stumbled her way down the red carpet. She was silently screaming for the shouting and flashing lights to stop. Her vision tunneled and she could hear her heart beating in her chest. One man's hand brushed up against the girl's arm.

That's when disaster happened.

It was only a moment later that the young girl tripped over the seam in the carpet. Everything was spinning and she landed face first on the red fabric. Alyssa could taste the dirt in her mouth. The purple monster approached her again. She wanted to scream out but all she could do was lay there.

Waiting for the end.

"Miss Stark, Miss Stark...are you all right?"

"Tell us what's happening?"

Go away please.

She was paralyzed to her spot on the floor. The girl couldn't see Tony anymore. He must have gone in. The familiar flash of light red hair was gone too.

Tony, please.

Alyssa was alone.

Nobody cares about her anymore.

She would have liked to curl up and die.

That's when the shaking happened. Alyssa's whole body quaked as the monster tightened the grip on her throat. Then came the laughter, Obie's booming voice echoed in her ears.


Soon, she was sobbing. Fresh hot tears rolled down her pink freckled cheeks. She felt sick. All of the hiccups upset her stomach and she fought the bile making its way up her throat.

"Miss Stark, Miss Stark...tell us what's happening."

"Do you need medical assistance?"

"Are those bruises? Have you been abused?"

Alyssa curled further in on herself and the people closed in. They came closer and took more pictures of the frozen girl.

She wanted to scream for them to go away and leave her alone. But she couldn't. No, only a few anguished moans and whimpers grazed from her lips. Alyssa closed her eyes and black darkness took over full of images and sounds of screeching metal.

"Your service is no longer needed."

"Miss Stark, Miss Stark."



"Time to push the button!"

"You'll die!"

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